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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

PES rammebevilgning 2017-St.OLavs hospital

Awarded: NOK 57,076

NorCRIN was established in 2010 by the University Hospitals in Norway. The initiative was strongly supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services and NorCRIN was outlined as a key element in the recent Norwegian Strategy for Health, Research and Innovation (HelseOmsorg21). The Ministry encouraged NorCRIN to apply for partnership in ECRIN (, the pan-European infrastructure designed to support multinational clinical research, which has been included in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI-roadmap). The multinational and shared infrastructure of ECRIN makes the European Union an integrated area for clinical research, providing researchers across Europe access to state-of-the art facilities, training and support services to study prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Hence, the active participation of NorCRIN in ECRIN will prove valuable for Norwegian research. A key challenge to improve clinical research is to establish a research environment with available competent personnel within clinical and translational health research. The main ambition of NorCRIN is to build an attractive research infrastructure for clinical and translational research in Norway, the Nordic Countries and Europe, for both industrial and academic collaborators.

Norge har høye ambisjoner for deltakelse i Horisont med målet om at 2% av de konkurranseutsatte midlene i Horisont 2020 skal tilfalle norske forskningsmiljøer. St Olavs Hospital ønsker å øke sin innsats for å bidra til nasjonal måloppnåelse for Horisont 2020. St. Olav Hospital prioriterer deltagelse i Horisont 2020, og PES-ordningen inngår som et viktig element i vår handlingsplan for deltagelse i H2020. PES-midler skal brukes aktivt til å stimulere til, og kvalitetssikre søknader som sendes inn med deltagelse fra St. Olav Hospital. St . Olav Hospital vil organiserer årets PES-støtte inn to deler: 1) PES som omfatter løpende søknader til konkrete utlysninger i Horisont 2020. 2) POS som omfatter langsiktig posisjonering i Europa for å bygge nettverk og allianser.

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020