BROHODE HAVBRUK 2050 - en regional kunnskapsplattform for effektiv utnyttelse av teknologikompetanse i havbruksnæring
Alternative title: BRIDGEHEAD AQUACULTURE 2050 - a regional knowledge platform to efficiently exploit technological expertise in the aquaculture sector
Bridgehead Aquaculture 2050 has developed a regional knowledge platform for efficient and mutual exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge. Its vision is to enhance the aquaculture sector's capacity to implement resilience, sustainability and competitiveness. Technology and service suppliers are important drivers of innovation. Enabling technologies provide the seafood sector with new windows of opportunities, using high-tech solutions as steppingstones towards a paradigm shift. Bridgehead Aquaculture 2050 contributes to the capacity of the aquaculture businesses to apply these new technologies for the benefit of animal health and welfare, whilst leading to smarter, greener and more efficient processes. The many strong technology competence centres and businesses in Mid Norway are key in this process. Researchers and students become acquainted with the sector needs, through engaging professionals as student supervisors or university lecturers and through facilitating joint meeting arenas.
An increased interest among companies has been registered in the Industry PhD instrument. The Bridgehead project is involved in both information dissemination and guidance of new initiatives. Strengthening the societal relevance of education and research is also achieved by involving industry stakeholders in part-time positions at the university. Commitment has been shown through the allocation of several industry professorships in scientific fields that are critical for the success of the sector.
An additional aquaculture specialisation, a so-called "Minor in aquaculture", was established among more than 10 different Master of Technology studies at NTNU. This model enables the students to combine their engineering expertise with a basic understanding of aquaculture biology and operations. It creates a type of candidates that corresponds well with the competence gaps in the sector. 29 candidates have graduated so far.
A new aquaculture engineering study at Bachelor level provides maintenance and operational skills was established in 2020. At both levels, and across all study programmes, student assignments with high relevance for the sector are encouraged. Not only will they lead to even more attractive candidates, it also increases the sector's capacity to exploit the opportunities the scientific expertise represents. The number of aquaculture assignments has increased from 29 in 2017 to 156 in 2023. All are openly available through a repository.
Continued education directed to staff members from the aquaculture sector is an efficient way to increase the knowledge capacity in a primary sector where a large share of the staff does not have a formal education. Three courses have been delivered: "Safety management and risk analysis in aquaculture", "Recyclable Aquaculture Systems", and «Project management and engineering in aquaculture», with in total 142 participants.
Bridgehead Aquaculture 2050 has brought professors, scientists and students out to fish cages, processing plants and supplying companies. Through the project mobility program, researchers took the opportunity to join a company for a short time period with clear mutual objectives of strengthening both the firm's competence level and the researcher's insight in the sector. One of the expected benefits was an improved basis for research and education cooperation.
The Bridgehead conferences have gained a strong position as hot spot for competence building in aquaculture. These are highly appreciated as arenas for knowledge exchange, consisting of experience exchange, company site visits, business presentations, workshops, student competitions and/or speed date sessions. The events stimulate stakeholders in the region to increase their network and to implement student and/or research interactions into their business strategies. This is important in the realisation of a sustainable and competitive sector. Student events at already established industry forums, such as Nor-Fishing and AquaNor trade shows, TEKSET and TEKMAR, NCE Aquatech Cluster and Norwegian Seafood Association conferences, have also been a corner stone in the capacity building efforts.
The Bridgehead Aquaculture 2050 toolbox has expanded through the establishment of the NTNU Alumni network for aquaculture, and the aquaculture Gemini Centre, in collaboration with SINTEF and NTNU Social Research.
The most successful project instruments will be continued and further developed through Bridgehead Aquaculture 2.0. This new public-private collaboration will mutually benefit from the skills and expertise across universities, vocational schools, and high schools, coordinated by NTNU Ocean and Coasts. As a result, the project will have created a knowledge capacity-building legacy beyond the funding period.
More information: (in Norwegian)
Brohode Havbruk 2050 har satt ambisiøse mål for utdanning, forskning og næring innen havbrukssektoren. De spesifikke effektene og virkningene er knyttet til utdanning, forskning og næringsutvikling:
1. Utdanning: Ved å introdusere minor i havbruk i sivilingeniørstudier, etablere havbruksingeniør profesjonsstudiet, få tverrfaglige studentgrupper ut på merdkanten, og involvere næringsaktører i undervisning og oppgavesamarbeid, har en stor bredde av studenter fått en dypere forståelse av bransjen.
2. Forskning: Ved å øke bruken av nærings-ph.d. og utvikle et hospiteringsprogram for forsker i bedrift, har akademisk forskning blitt kombinert med praktisk erfaring fra industrien og dermed blitt mer relevant og anvendt. Forskningssamarbeid har også blitt utvidet til flere fagområder, spesielt innenfor ingeniørfaglige og teknologiske forskningsfelt.
3. Næring: Ved å rekruttere nye type kandidater med økt forståelse for havbruksprosessene og videreutdanning av ansatte har en formell kompetanseheving blitt oppnådd i industrien. Det fører til bedre bestillingsevne av forskningsoppdrag, økt implementering av forskningsbaserte metoder og teknologiske løsninger, og en styrket konkurransekraft av bedrifter.
Samlet sett har Brohode havbruk 2050 sin verktøykasse bidratt til å øke tillitt og evnen til samspill mellom akademia og industrien, og mellom ulike fagdisipliner. Det har forbedret grunnlaget for å takle de komplekse utfordringene og gripe de mange mulighetene i havbruksnæringen.
BROHODE HAVBRUK 2050 har som ambisjon å løfte havbruksnæringens innovasjonskapasitet i region Midt-Norge. Dette skal oppnås gjennom et bedre samspill mellom teoretisk kunnskap og realkompetanse.
Som følge av den generelle teknologiutviklingen vokser det fram nye muligheter, men også kompetansebehov. Muliggjørende teknologier preger allerede norsk sjømatnæring og antas å bli stadig viktigere. Regionens FoU-miljøer er i verdenstoppen innen kunnskapsområder som intelligente strukturer, smarte og sikre havbruksoperasjoner, nye bioteknologiske metoder, tilpassede materialer og effektive innovasjonsprosesser. BROHODE HAVBRUK 2050 vil gi norsk havbruksnæring konkurransefortrinn ved å utnytte denne kapasiteten bedre, gjennom følgende tiltak:
1. Etter- og videreutdanningskurs innenfor unike kunnskapsområder og basert på næringens behov
2. Involvering av næringsaktører i undervisningen av havbruksrelevante fag (teknologi, naturvitenskap, samfunnsvitenskap)
3. Etablering av en spesialisering («Minor») innen akvakultur i teknologi- / sivilingeniørstudiene
4. Studentoppgaver i samarbeid med bedrifter
5. Fasilitering av næringsphd i samarbeid med FoU-miljøer
6. Hospitering av forskere i havbruksbedrifter