The researcher exchange project will primarily consists in performing collaborative research through two existing national projects. It is planned that the exchange will bring knowledge and methodology developed at CORIA to SINTEF/NTNU and thus allow in-flame measurement of species and temperature that would otherwise not be achievable. SINTEF on the other hand, will give CORIA the opportunity to test its technique, developed at lab scale, in realistic conditions of high power and pressure. The two running national projects will contribute with the manpower necessary for the collaboration and give access to the necessary experimental facility (HIPROX and laser at SINTEF) and equipment (laser and optical set up at CORIA). Three visit periods are planned:
- Q1-2018 at CORIA to kick-off allow the postdoc to be trained at the optical measurement technique and its different components and discuss constraints relevant to the HIPROX facility, program planning, and relevant collaboration topics.
- Q1/2-2018 at SINTEF: the PhD student will install the Laser Raman setup, adapt and optimize it to the high pressure facility HIPROX, and perform measurement with the local post-doc. A visit of the 2 PhD supervisors will also take place for shorter durations.
- Q3/4-2018 at CORIA: Final meeting to conclude the collaboration and be present at the PhD's defence. There will be discussed results obtained and analysed during the visit at SINTEF and those collected after, and to the finalize the publication of results. A plan for further collaboration will be made.