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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Spherolight - Light diffusion agent

Alternative title: Spherolight - Lysspredningsadditiv

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2018 - 2022

Funding received from:


We have gained substantial knowledge about how plastic beads refract the light waves through a plastic by carrying out systematic experiments with the most commonly used plastics in LED displays. Over 100 plastic samples with varying amount, size and composition of polymer beads have been produced. Different optical properties have been measured and compared with plastic without beads. We have also succeeded in systematically changing the beads refractive index by changing the chemical composition of the beads. A method for measuring the refractive index of particles has been developed and all particles in the project have been measured. Optical measurements of plastic samples with these new beads confirm that a larger difference in the refractive index between the base plastic and the plastic beads increases light scattering but reduces the light transmittance. Systematic investigations of how the addition of particles affect various mechanical properties have also been carried out. The main project result is that due to the perfectly spherical shape and the identical size and composition of the beads from Microbeads, you can predict, and tailor optical properties based on the size and addition level of beads. The project has also provided important knowledge about how beads affect the most important properties of the plastic and will enable us to optimize the quantity, size and type of particles in the end products in collaboration with the customers. We plan to publish 2 scientific articles from the project. The project was a collaboration between Microbeads and the research partners Norner, RISE and SINTEF. Microbeads developed and manufactured all the beads in the project and Norner manufactured all the plastic samples and carried out characterization of optical, rheological and mechanical properties in addition to measuring the refractive index of the particles. SINTEF performed advanced characterization of the beads, and the Swedish research institute RISE performed advanced light scattering measurements.

Den viktigste effekten er at man har generert kunnskap som gjør at man kan forutse og skreddersy optiske egenskaper etter kundens behov ved å hjelp av partikkelstørrelse og mengde partikler tilsatt. Dette vil spare kundene for mye prøving og feiling og det er mulig fordi plastpartiklene fra Microbeads er perfekt sfæriske og har identisk størrelse og sammensetning. Prosjektet har også gitt viktig kunnskap om hvordan partikler påvirker de viktigste egenskaper for plasten slik at man kan optimalisere mengde, størrelse og type partikler for sluttproduktene i samarbeid med kundene. Prosjektet har bidratt til mange nye produkter/partikler som kan oppskaleres og lanseres fremover og som vil bidra til styrket konkurranseevne og flere og tryggere høyteknologiske industriarbeidsplasser i Norge. I tillegg har prosjektet bidratt til et betydelig kunnskapsløft hos Microbeads og denne kunnskapen vil muliggjøre utvikling av mer effektive produksjonsprosesser og nye prosjektideer. Microbeads er i en vekstfase og har nylig fått nye eiere som vil investere i økt produksjonskapasitet i Norge og da blir den nye kunnskapen uvurderlig for å kontinuerlig utvikle og lansere nye produkter. Prosjektet har bidratt til kompetanseøkning hos forskningspartnerne Norner, SINTEF og RISE. Norner har også utviklet en metode for å måle brytningsindeks på partikler og andre typer pulver som kan være nyttig for andre bedrifter. De nye produktene fra Microbeads vil gi kundene nye muligheter til å designe produkter fordi det ikke finnes perfekt sfæriske partikler med ulik brytningsindeks og identisk størrelse og sammensetning i dag.

Light diffusing polymers are used in optical films, LED lighting covers/panels, cell phones, architectural lighting fixtures, signs and light guide applications in automotive industry. "Ugelstad beads" has proven to be ideal to ensure uniform light diffusion. The beads are perfectly spherical polymer particles with very narrow particle size distribution and identical chemical composition and properties. The project owner Microbeads AS holds the exclusive rights to produce according to the global patented Ugelstad technology and to use the beads in industrial applications. Polymer beads from Microbeads are used in limited extent in light diffusion applications today, but growth in this market is impeded by lack of knowledge. The project idea is to use research to understand how monosized polymer beads influence the transmittance and scattering of light in plastic parts and to develop unique new light diffusion agents. The new knowledge is expected to contribute to development of other new specialty additives for plastics as well. A deeper understanding of the technology will also be essential to develop more effective production processes, reduce costs and strengthen competitiveness for Microbeads. The project needs to solve R&D challenges related to: -measuring and understanding the beads influence on the properties of the end plastic application -innovation of beads with new compositions -characterization of beads -understanding of the relationship between polymer composition and bead properties The project represents a considerable value creation potential for Microbeads in terms of new sales and increased competitiveness. The total revenue potential over the lifetime of the developed products in Spherolight is estimated to 990 million NOK. The project will enable Microbeads to exploit a discovered growth potential in the plastic market, create more jobs and continue their growth. The research partner will be Norner and SINTEF.

Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena