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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

Maritime Data Space (MDS)

Alternative title: Maritime Data Space

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2018 - 2021



More and more digital ship data is produced on board the ship, from increased digitalization and cheaper sensor technology, but also from yards, ship equipment vendors, interest organizations, class societies and authorities. To make use of this data, new service providers want to offer new functionalities related to data analysis, customer empowerment, automated reporting, process improvement and quality monitoring. Today, data sharing with service providers is done on an ad-hoc basis where the data access agreements must be negotiated case-by-case and often involving several different parties. In this project, we have developed an open framework where the deployment of services, and management and governance of data are user driven, and not linked to specific information providers. MDS covers: 1) Transparent access to ship related data: Since data is often produced and owned by other parties than those providing services based on the data, a new model for trusted sharing of data is needed. We have developed a model where the data owner(s) directly control access rights, independently of where the data is stored. In the maritime sector, no such standard mechanisms exist. In this project, we have adapted and enhanced the data sharing and exchange mechanisms defined within the Industrie 4.0 related "International Data Space(s) (IDS)" initiative from the International Data Space Association (IDSA). IDS focuses on trusted data exchange and sharing, with support for strong data sovereignty and control for data owners. It uses modern cryptographic methods to maintain records of ownership of data objects, independently of where they are stored. The owner, which is identified by its electronic signature, can then provide, possibly time limited, secure access codes to third parties. This is being standardized over several automation domains, general land based, to provide a standardized and secure way of managing data ownership and access rights in the domain. Principles from IDS are combined with the current developments in maritime communication technology and data management from Veracity by DNV, and the result is a new data and service integration concept for modern shipping. 2) Secure, robust and efficient communication between ship and shore: User authentication and authorization, secure data transfer and proof of data owner ship (trusted identity) is implemented, and further supported through the IDS Connector architecture. 3) Simplify the provision of trusted services: The project has demonstrated the benefits of the framework by implementing a number of pilot cases selected by the industry partners as being representative for the next generation of digital ship services, showing the easy and secure realisation of these new maritime services with focus on distributed management and governance of ship related data using digital contracts and secure communication. MDS represents a new and open "digital ecosystem" for the maritime community where data can be made easily, efficiently and securely available and where new and improved services can be developed and deployed on an open and distributed platform. We are now ready to establish the Marine use case area within the IDS Association based on the MDS pilot cases and relevant Norwegian interests. The project has completed a mapping of the different elements in IDS against the need from the pilot cases defined by the project, in addition to the overall needs in a maritime context. This has been done in collaboration with IDSA, hereunder the predefined software-packages provided by IDSA. The three pilot cases each represent aspects of added value from the MDS: MRV-reporting (decreased administrative workload and increased data quality), ETA Management (new service and increased data quality) and Mandatory Reporting (reduced administrative workload and automation). We have also implemented a cyber security solution related to authentication. This on basis of the PKI-solution as developed by the CySiMS SE project. A test bed for the MDS-architecture has been established, providing a good basis for further implementation of actual industry cases in the near future.

En kostnad- og tidseffektiv løsning for informasjonsutveksling der data- eierskap, -bruksrett og -ansvar hensyntas gjennom en formell arkitektur, er selve basis for den pågående digitaliseringsprosessen i internasjonal maritim industri. Maritime Data Space vil kunne bli en de-facto modell i så henseende. Tjenestetilbydere vil nå være i mye bedre stand til å tilby nye informasjonsbaserte løsninger der potensielle kunder kan være trygge på at informasjonen og selve informasjonsutvekslingen gjennomføres på en effektiv og standardisert måte. Prosjektet leverer et viktig bidrag inn mot å opprettholde Norges posisjon som en ledende sjøfartsnasjon som leder vei i utvikling, implementering og salg av teknologisk innovasjon. Videre FoU innen maritim digitalisering, vil nyte godt av arbeidet vi nå har gjort, all den tid trygg og effektiv informasjonsutveksling er en forutsetning for det videre digitaliseringsløpet i maritim sektor.

More and more digital ship data is produced on board the ship, from increased digitalization and cheaper sensor technology, but also from yards, ship equipment vendors, interest organizations, class societies and authorities. To make use of this data, new service providers want to offer new functionalities related to data analysis, customer empowerment, automated reporting, process improvement and quality monitoring. Today, data sharing with service providers is done on an ad hoc basis where the data access agreements must be negotiated case-by-case and often involving several different parties. In this project, we will develop an open framework where the deployment of services, management and governance of data and creation of digital contracts are user driven, and not linked to specific information providers. The project covers: 1)Transparent access to ship related data: We want a model where the data owner(s) directly control access rights, independently of where the data is stored. In the maritime sector, no such standard mechanisms exist. In this project, we propose to use the data sharing mechanisms defined within Industrie 4.0: "Industrial Data Space" (IDS). 2)Secure, robust and efficient communication between ship and shore: User authentication and authorization, secure data transfer and proof of data owner ship (trusted identity) will be implemented through the new Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) proposed by the CySiMS project. With the given secure data transfer, an advanced file transfer protocol optimized for the maritime domain will be implemented which leverage the deduplication engine developed in Seadrive. We will provide reliable and efficient data transfer and file synchronization over high-latency, low bandwidth networks, even in the face of high rates of packet loss. 3)Simplify the provision of trusted services: The project will demonstrate the benefits of the framework by implementing a number of pilot cases selected by the industry.

Funding scheme:

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2