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HAVBRUK2-Stort program for havbruksforskning

MarTERA:Biomass and fish size estimation system

Alternative title: System for estimering av biomasse og størrelsesfordeling av fisj

Awarded: NOK 6.2 mill.

Fish size distributions, fish behaviour and fish abundance measurements are essential parameters for managing both wild and farmed fish stocks. These parameters reflect not only the biomass, but can also provide insight to fish welfare and well-beingness. Traditionally, sonars and regular cameras have been used towards this purpose. Sonars have limited resolution, and are thus restricted from providing per-fish size estimates. Cameras have - especially for schooling fish - difficulty in separating fish from each other, providing imprecise detection results and size estimates. In addition, cameras have problems with visibility range. The H2020 UTOFIA project has developed a new subsea camera that enables it to see 2-3 times further than regular cameras in turbid and dark environments, and provide dense 3D information simultaneously. The 3D information can enable precise fish segmentation and fish size estimation, and the range extension can provide better data also in turbid environments. This provides a unique technology foundation for precise, robust fish size estimation in both fish farms and wild populations. With the UTOFIA system now in its first commercial phase, there exists an unique opportunity to develop novel technology that can enable not only good management of European marine resources, but also ensure the continued European stronghold of fish management technology. With BIOSYS we are turning the UTOFIA images into quantitative information about fish distribution, abundance and biomass, valuable for both the European industrial and scientific communities. Furthermore, we are investigating the use of the camera for bio-monitoring, where fish and animals are used as indicators for the state of the environment. This can become an effective and wallet-friendly means for on-line monitoring of aquatic environment, able to rapidly detect alterations of water quality and provide real time feedback in case of environmental degradation.

To industrialiserte versjoner av UTOFIA kameraet er blitt produsert i løpet av prosjektet. UTOFIA kameraet er et 3D kamera basert på Time-of-Flight og range-gating prinsippet. Det ene UTOFIA kameraet er blitt kjøpt av prosjektpartner Imenco Havbruk og testet i oppdrettsanlegg. En metodikk for måling av lengde og vekt til frittsvømmende fisk er også blitt utviklet i prosjektet. Metodikken er tilpasset data fra UTOFIA kameraet. Metodikken er blitt testet på fiskedata tatt opp i forskningsmerder hos Havforskningsinstituttet og i vanntank hos SINTEF. Lengden av fisken kan måles med en usikkerhet på 1% innenfor avstander på 1-3 meter. Vi har begrenset med data for estimering av vekt, men en første indikasjon tilsier at vekten kan estimeres med en usikkerhet på 4.5 %. Resultatene er blitt presentert til Imenco Havbruk. Konklusjonen fra denne presentasjonen er at teknologien er interessant, men at man trenger større mengder data for å videreutvikle og forbedre metodikken.

Fish size distributions, fish behaviour and fish abundance measurements are essential parameters for managing both wild and farmed fish stocks. These parameters reflect not only the biomass, but can also provide insight to fish welfare and well-beingness. Traditionally, sonars and regular cameras have been used towards this purpose. Sonars have limited resolution, and are thus restricted from providing per-fish size estimates. Cameras have - especially for schooling fish - difficulty in separating fish from each other, providing imprecise detection results and size estimates. In addition, cameras have problems with visibility range. The H2020 UTOFIA project has developed a new subsea camera that enables it to see 2-3 times further than regular cameras in turbid and dark environments, and provide dense 3D information simultaneously. The 3D information can enable precise fish segmentation and fish size estimation, and the range extension can provide better data also in turbid environments. This provides a unique technology foundation for precise, robust fish size estimation in both fish farms and wild populations. With the UTOFIA system now entering its first commercial steps in 2018, there exists a unique opportunity to develop novel technology that can enable not only good management of European marine resources, but also ensure the continued European stronghold of fish management technology. With BIOSYS we will be turning the UTOFIA images into information about fish distribution, abundance and biomass, valuable for both the European industrial and scientific communities. Furthermore, we will investigate the use of the camera for bio-monitoring, where fish and animals are used as indicators for the state of the environment. This can become an effective and wallet-friendly means for on-line monitoring of aquatic environment, able to rapidly detect alterations of water quality and provide real time feedback in case of environmental degradation.

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Funding scheme:

HAVBRUK2-Stort program for havbruksforskning