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FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren

Workshop i Seattle mai 2018 University of Washington og deltakere NFR prosjekt NurseEduFut

Awarded: NOK 69,999

Workshop University in Washington and VID Scientific College on Theme Simulation in Education of Health Professionals. May 11, 2018. University of Washington, Seattle, USA. On May 11, 2018, VID University Specialized Univerityr organized an international seminar on simulation in health education together with colleagues at the University of Washington. Employees at both the VID University of Science, UW Tacoma and the UW School of Nursing presented their reseach. Including the presenters, 18 people participated, with faculty from the School of Nursing, the School of Social Work, the School of Pharmacy and Harborview Medical Center. Zoom video communication was also set up for the School of Nursing of University of Alaska Anchorage. The objectives of the seminar were: - To create an opportunity for Norwegian and American researchers interested in the use of simulation as an educational method in health education for both discussion, experience exchange and networking. - Present our project "Education for the future in a changing health landscape" (NurseEduFut) for our American colleagues. - Create a network to share information about new research and potential collaboration. Educational staff and researchers from both UW and VID had presentations that all focused on simulation as an educational method; from economic perspectives of different types of simulation to practical aspects of how to use simulation, type of simulation and how to evaluate the use of it in teaching and assessment. There were questions and conversations during and after each presentation, and discussions about how we can work with simulation as an educational method in healthcare education continued during lunch. The conversations also discussed how the simulation can be used in different settings.

Vi holder på å etablere et nært samarbeid med University of Washington i Seattle. Seks prosjektdeltakere fra Norge reiser til Seattle 10-11. mai 2018 hvor målet er å etablere et tett forskningssamarbeid med personer der som forsker på simulering som pedagogiske metode. En av dagene skal det arrangeres en workshop med aktuelle samarbeidspartnere ved UW og delegasjonen fra VID. Tema for samlingen er; Simulation in theory and practice – how to conduct simulation and how to conduct research on simulation. Dette vil være en tverrfaglig workshop der delegasjonen fra VID møter representanter fra School of Nursing, Global Health, Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education and Research Practice and The Health Sciences Library. Målet med workshop er å knytte tettere bånd med våre amerikanske kollegaer samt å diskutere eventuelle fellesprosjekt knyttet til de fire sub-studiene som inngår i NurseEduFut. I tillegg får noen av oss mulighet for å delta i en stor simuleringsøvelse, "interprofessional error disclosure training", 9. mai.

Funding scheme:

FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren