In InProVe, we have developed sustainable food production systems that deal with new, innovative technologies for processing of potatoes and vegetables. These are technologies that lead to savings in energy and water consumption, better utilization of waste and residual raw materials, and improvement of sensory and nutritional quality compared to conventional processing.
In canning heat transfer rate is mainly influenced by container shape & and product type. Since convective heat transfer coefficient is assumed infinite, this leaves container geometry the only option to increase heat transfer rate and decrease process time for further quality improvement. A recent innovation is the use of toroidal cans for a significant heating rate increase for both solid and liquid food products. The advantage of toroid cans for heat treatment of canned food products is clear, but effect is dependent on food matrix. Results from InProVe demonstrates a significant potential for shorter processing times in toroidal cans compared to traditional cans, and thus a potential for significant savings in energy, water, and time. Additionally, due to decreaded heat load, nutrients are recovered, and the food appears with a better color and texture. Collected data will be used in future modelling and kinetic studies of relevant macro- and micronutrients.
New technologies represent opportunities to create higher added value out of agrifood by-products in a sustainable way. High Temperature-Short Time (HTST) Tubular Microwave (TMW) has been developed for processing of fish soup with root vegetables in pilot scale. Results show that mouth-feel, texture, and aroma are improved in HTST processed soup as compared to conventional processing, and the nutritional value of the HTST soup is better or as good as in traditionally processed soups.
Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) and Supercritical CO2-extraction (SC-CO2) are useful green technologies to extract valuable phytochemicals. PEF was evaluated as pre-treatment before SC-CO2 extraction to recover carotenoids from carrot by-products, and polyphenols from potato byproducts. Results show that PEF increases the yield of both carotenoids from carrot peel, and polyphenols both from potato peel and other potato rest raw material.
High-Moisture Extrusion Cooking (HMEC) is an interesting technology to turn plant-based ingredients into meat-like vegan or hybrid products. Protein-rich by-products (e.g. side streams from pea- and, mushroom, black salsify, and endive processing) have been evaluated as raw materials in a process. A vegan burger based on a fiber rich fractions recovered from black salsify byproducts was developed in the project. This burger was perceived as more juicy than traditional vegan burgers, and offers consumers increased access to healthy and sustainable food products.
As a consequence of the various pandemic measures in the partner countries from March 2020, several plans regarding research exchange and experiments had to be changed. However, InProVe scientists have been able to focus on writing, planning and publishing, and the project has achieved most of the original goals despite the challenging circumstances, and several digital meetings have taken place.
Noen av forskningsresultatene er implementert hos deltakende industripartnere, og har ført til forbedrede produkter med lengre holdbarhet og mindre salt. Dette vil komme forbrukerne til gode i form av sunnere produkter, og vil også kunne bidra til mindre matsvinn.
InProVe har utviklet teknologier som potensielt har stor betydning for prosesseringsindustrien ved at det øker prosesseringshastigheten samtidig som forbruket av energi og vann minker.
InProVe har evaluert bruk av restråstoff fra grønnsaksprosessering som funksjonelle ingredienser i næringsmiddelproduksjon. Dette vil bidra til redusert svinn og økt verdiskapning og økt matsikkerhet.
InProVe har bidratt til økt kunnskap hos forbrukere om blant annet bruken av mikrobølgeovn. Vi har bidratt til å nyansere debatten angående strålingsfaren knyttet til bruken av mikrobølgeovn hjemme, og utviklet og publisert enkle oppskrifter for mikrobølgeovn.
Prosjektet har ført til økt internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid.
Innovative technologies like Microwave (MW) and, Pulsed Electric Field (PEF), and InfraRed Heating (IRH), can be used to improve nutrient retention and reduce required energy and process costs during processing of potato and vegetable foods, compared to conventional processing. Optimization of conventional technologies such as canning by innovative approaches can also result in quality improvements and increased efficiency. In addition, novel green extraction processes such as supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) provide new opportunities to create added value out of waste generated during potato and vegetable production. Processing design and novel products will be developed utilizing these innovative technologies to increase sustainability, reduce waste fractions, meet consumer demand, and stimulate an increased intake of vegetables by providing affordable, healthy, and nutritive foods. Conventional processing have an impact on sensorial and nutritional quality of processed goods. Taking into account that innovative technologies are emerging that have a limited impact and at the same time are more energy efficient; the objective of InProVe is to evaluate the fact that they can be used to produce safer and more nutritive processed potato and vegetable products. A positive side effect of this is the reduced input of electricity and water. In addition, innovative canning technologies, where possible modifications might be applied to revise the can geometry, will complement processing design allowing for maximum optimization in energy use. The same technologies will be used to generate added value from by-products. These valorized compounds can be attractive for their technological functions (as food colorants, sweeteners, emulsifiers, preservatives, etc.), their nutritional properties (proteins, vitamins, fibers, etc.), or because the bioactive compounds present have potential health-benefiting effects (e.g. anti-oxidants, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory).