Smart integrated multitrophic city food production systems – a water and energy saving approach for global urbanisation (CITYFOOD)
Alternative title: Smart, integrert multitrofisk produksjonssystemer for matproduksjon i byer - en vann- og energibesparende tilnærming til global urbanisering
The project CITYFOOD aims to explore the potential of IAAC (Integrating Aqua-Agri Culture) systems for urban applications in the context of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus challenge. Feeding rapidly growing urban populations requires innovative solutions that ensure efficient water, energy, and nutrient management. The project CITYFOOD investigates quasi-closed loop integrated aqua-agriculture systems to address this global challenge. IAAC systems produce fish and plants while re-using the wastewater from the fish production as a nutrient fertilizer in nearly emission-free facilities. This nearly zero-waste clean food production method has already been realized in a range of cities worldwide. However, it is still a niche market with stand-alone facilities of varying size, and configuration often lacking production stability and economic profitability. CITYFOOD develops strategies to further the popularity and application of this space, and resource-friendly food production system in urban areas. The multidisciplinary project team involves city planners, urban farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and engaged citizens to reach its goals. The results of the project will be beneficial to scientists, politicians, city planners, decision-makers, manufacturers, producers, and consumers looking for local, sustainably produced food products. The results from modeling, urban planning, and the Living Labs will be compiled into the CITYFOOD innovation concept providing optimal IAAC solutions. The project CITYFOOD contributes to building sustainable infrastructure in cities. The Project work started establishing an aquaponics knowledge base and assessments of existing knowledge and concept refinement. Further, we look at urban planning and FWE (food-water-energy) interactions and define important key indicators and success criteria to evaluate urban food supply.
Kunnskapsbasen tilbyr omfattende kunnskap om IAAC-teknologi til interessenter, både for vitenskapelig og kommersiell anvendelse. Våre urbane konsepter og modellering finner nettsteder, ressursbeholdning, identifiserte viktige planleggingsproblemer og begrensninger, mat-vann-energi samspillets fotavtrykkmodell, og strategier for å tilpasse og implementere IAAC-systemer i bymiljø. Disse IAAC modellene stimulerer yteevnen hos slike produksjonssystemer. Living Labs demonstrerer gjennomførbarhet og anvendelse hos IAAC-løsningen, for å takle mat-vann-energi samspillets utfordringer, og evaluerer brukeropplevelsene. Prosjektet CITYFOOD har formidler og fremmer ideen om IAAC til forskjellige interessenter og næringsliv, bidrar til utdanning innen miljøfag og naturbruk. Prosjektet stimulerer til kommunikasjon og samtaler rundt miljøspørsmål hos innbyggere, og bidrar til å skape nye markedsmuligheter og arbeidsplasser for norske, europeiske og verdensomspennende industri og SMB.
Feeding the rapidly growing urban populations, is a global challenge, which strains the Food-Water-Energy Nexus through increasing water and energy demands, and environmental pollution. CITYFOOD provides innovative solutions to this daunting environmental challenge by integrating aqua-agriculture (IAAC) systems into cities on a broader scale. IAAC multitrophic food production systems optimize flows of food, water, energy and waste, while minimizing the resource needs, thus contributing to sustainable urban infrastructure. The implementation of re-circulating aquaculture in a closed-/semi-closed loop system and production of mulititrophic food, is an innovative concept and approach that can help to save water, deriving energy and re-using nutrients such as N, P, K and solids waste as a fertilizer for valuable crops. CITYFOOD’s multidisciplinary experts from food science, ecology, modelling and urban planning will expand knowledge and applicability of this innovative solution. Computer models will help to optimize the environmental, economic and social benefits of the IAAC technology. The real-world experiments in Living Labs will synthesize all three Food-Water-Energy sectors, and illustrate the integrated system for multiple stakeholders. Urban planning approaches and sample case studies, will help to develop comprehensive implementation strategies in a variety of urban contexts. Finally, existing knowledge and project results from modelling, Living Labs, and conceptual planning will be disseminated by different project activities and made publicly accessible through an integrated Knowledge Base. CITYFOOD connects with diverse countries and contexts, each with their own challenges, within the framework set by the Belmont Forum and European Union 2020 strategies for sustainable and resilient cities. To succeed with the market access, job creation and vocational training for capability of maintaining aquaculture facilities, plays an important role in the project exit.