The JPI Oceans action 'Ecological aspects of deep-sea mining' aims at assessing the long-term impacts of polymetallic nodule mining on the deep-sea environment. Core of the action is the research project MiningImpact 2 project which gathers 32 partners from 10 different countries and will conduct an independent scientific monitoring of the impact of an industrial test to harvest manganese nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ).
This MiningImpact 2 project follows up on the results of the first JPI Oceans supported MiningImpact project which was concluded in December 2017. While the initial project investigated experimental and rather small disturbances of the seafloor over decadal timescales, this project will set up a comprehensive monitoring program to ensure an independent scientific investigation of the environmental impacts of an industrial component trial of a nodule collector system by the Belgian contractor DEME-GSR.
The pilot project was completed in the spring of 2021. German BGR had hired a separate research vessel to monitor the environmental consequences of the sample collection, in collaboration with JPIO. Tests were conducted in both the Belgian and German sectors of the CCZ, and all of the Norwegian projects were carried out.
BGR will follow up with another cruise in late 2022 to collect additional data that will also be made available for the Norwegian participants.
JPI Oceans-prosjektet 'Økologiske aspekter ved marin gruvedrift' har vurdert langsiktige virkninger av utvinning av mangannoduler på dyphavsmiljøet. Prosjektet har hatt 6 norske partnere som har bidratt i forskjellige deler av prosjektet. Prosjektet har vært en unik mulighet for disse fagmiljøene til å delta i dette viktige arbeidet i samarbeid med en rekke internasjonale samarbeidspartnere. Alle fagmiljøene har oppnådd gode resultater fra dette arbeidet. Prosjektet vil dermed også kunne bidra med ny kunnskap om miljøeffekter knyttet til potensiell gruvedrift på havbunnen i norske farvann. Norske myndigheter holder på med en åpningsprosess hvor miljøeffekter vil være et vesentlig element.
This application covers Norwegian participation in an international research project. See enclosed project description.
Six Norwegian partners are included in the work scope. GRID Arendal contributes as sub-contractor.