Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) is international observing system for long term monitoring in and around the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard. SIOS will set an example for how to systematically construct observational networks in the Arctic for earth system science research. SIOS provides added value to all participants well beyond what their separate investments would provide by themselves. The main activities to achieve this are optimised use of instruments and infrastructure, data management services, an open data policy, logistical support, and training and workshop activities. These services are delivered by the SIOS Knowledge Centre (SIOS-KC) in collaboration with working groups set up with representatives from SIOS?s partner institutions.
The long term observations that form the core of SIOS will answer the key scientific questions identified by the SIOS research community and others. The core observational programme of SIOS will be stable over time, yet dynamic enough to respond to new methods and questions from society.
An important capacity-building activity at the SIOS-KC is to stimulate the development of new observational techniques for environmental monitoring that are clean, energy efficient and robust in the Arctic environment. SIOS supports interdisciplinary studies, as well as utilising and combining different methodologies like in situ and satellite remote sensing observations.
SIOS-KC will become a unique international meeting place for developing the science of long term environmental monitoring in Polar Regions. SIOS continuously informs users and society about the developments and accrued knowledge within Arctic earth system science.
SIOS is a regional observational system for long term observations in and around archipelago of Svalbard. SIOS shall ensure that the regionally distributed observational system is useful for global change studies. SIOS will set an example for how to systematically construct observational networks in the Arctic for earth system science research. SIOS provides added value to all participants well beyond what their separate investments would provide by themselves. The main activities to achieve this are optimized use of instruments and infrastructures, data management services, open data policy, logistical support and training and workshop activities.
SIOS provides long term observational program to answer the identified key research question. The core observational program of SIOS will be stable over time, however dynamic, as new methods and questions from society appear.
An important capacity-building activity at the SIOS-KC is to stimulate the development of new observational techniques for environmental monitoring that are clean, energy efficient and robust in the Arctic environment. SIOS supports interdisciplinary studies and utilizing and combining different methodologies like in situ and satellite remote sensing observations.
The SIOS-KC will thus become a unique international meeting place for developing the science of long term environmental monitoring in Polar Regions. The Knowledge Centre continuously informs users and society about the accrued knowledge within its field of expertise.