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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

The lean-digitalization paradox

Alternative title: Lean og digitaliseringsparadokset

Awarded: NOK 17.5 mill.

The project's main activity in 2020 has been initial case studies at the industrial partners that are beneficial for research and development in terms of operational improvement and academic publication. Based on the first delivered work package, 'WP 1: Industrial requirements', we have identified several relevant challenges and cases for further investigation. In relation to organization design and management in the interface of lean and digitalization, we focus on how initiatives concerning lean and digitalization are structured. Further, we study whether digital performance measurement and management systems enhance compliance and control or empowerment and learning. In a larger perspective, we also study supplier relationships in digital networks and the influence on collaboration and competition. Planning processes are changed due to enhanced information access and distribution, automation and complexity. We have initiated case projects with our industry partners where we investigate if this can improve planning and decision-making. In collaboration with one of the industry partners, we develop methods and algorithms which could provide productivity gains. Despite a year with lockdown and pandemic situation, the project group has delivered public dissemination. We have published book chapters, held speeches at conferences for Norwegian businesses and institutions and arranged an international conference in Trondheim by Oct 21 (ELEC). The project has been involved in 7 master thesis and several bachelor thesis. By late 2021 we have 4 new master thesis planned completed in 2022.. In addition, several undergraduate students are engaged in collaboration with our industry partners and the project?s research areas.


Lean management remains the fundamental approach to operational excellence within Norwegian industry. The next wave of industrial improvement is driven by the application of digital technologies. Digitalization should not replace lean management. Rather industrial companies are seeking to understand how the two approaches, lean and digitalization, can be utilized synergistically. This project aims to develop theories and managerial guidelines for digitalization of Norwegian industry based on lean principles with respect to organization design, planning, decisions systems and supplier collaboration. The project starts in April 2019, and finishes by December 2023. NTNU, Department of industrial economics and technology management (Trondheim and Gjøvik), manages the project. Sintef Manufacturing (Trondheim and Raufoss) is research partner. Industry partners are Equinor, Hydro, Benteler Raufoss, Kvaerner and Deloitte. Equinor, Hydro, Benteler Raufoss and Kvaerner are major export-oriented Norwegian business organization, driving the current digital transformation of Norwegian industry. As a global provider of management consulting, Deloitte bridges the perspectives of academia and practice, and contributes to the dissemination of project results. The primary research approach is theory-building case studies at the industrial partners. Through experimentation and reflection, the project will develop workable knowledge at each industrial partner and generalize solutions to the challenges the partners – and Norwegian industry more broadly – have in common with respect to lean and digitalization. Results will be disseminated through industry forums, scientific publications and education at NTNU. The project will host two PhD-candidates, one postdoc and 25 bachelor and master students.

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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena