The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is an association of European universities and research institutes. EERA is recognised in the EU Energy Technology Plan (SET-plan) as an important tool for the coordination of European research. EERA is organized into 18 Joint Programms that each address relevant technology areas within the energy sector. EERA Joint Programme Wind Energy (JPWIND) has since started in 2010 been in powerful development. JPWIND now has 50 organisations as members and collects virtually all major European research institutes and the universities withiin wind power research and development. The activity is organised in the number of subprograms (SPs), where John Tande at SINTEF Energy leads SP6: Offshore Balance of Plant.
EERA JPWIND's vision is to be a globally leading wind energy R&D organisation. The mission is to develop a world-leading European wind power research and innovation environment.
This project supports a) participation in EERA JPWIND and the management of SP Offshore and B) participation in relevant Norwegian information and coordination efforts. The activity relating to offshore wind and grid is considered by strategic importance for Norway with great opportunities for value creation. Offshore wind for an international market is a priority in ENERGI21's strategy and it recommends an increased research and innovation effort within the area.
Valuable results have been achieved. The European research agenda and the Norwegian are now well aligned within wind power. Emphasis is placed on many of the same topics as in Energi21, and priority is given in areas where Norwegian R&D and industrial partners can make significant contributions. In general, the Norwegian research organizations and industry are recognized as attractive partners in H2020 projects, and in particular SINTEF and NTNU have achieved recognition as internationally leading research actors within offshore wind. Participation in the management of EERA JPWIND gives the network and the finger on the pulse.
The largest Norwegian research communities in offshore wind participate in EERA JPWIND. SINTEF Energy leads SP Offshore and participates actively in the management of EERA JPWIND. The other Norwegian partners (SINTEF Ocean, Sintef AS, IFE, NTNU, Norce, UiB and UiS) are associated but still active in EERA JPWIND activities with participation in workshops, etc.
The dissemination of information and coordination with Norwegian actors is a priority. This is carried out through workshops and webinars, and through dialogue with the Research Council and other key actors. The cooperation with the Research Council is perceived as very positive and rewarding for the involvement of Norwegian actors and for the influence of EU research strategy and forthcoming proposals.
An essential work has been undertaken to inform broadly about EERA JPWIND, e.g. through the arrangement of the annual DeepWind R&D conference every January, workshops in the series Industry meets Science and workshops directly under the auspices of EERA SP offshore. Additional meetings are also carried out to follow up and coordinate efforts against H2020 calls. This has given excellent results in form of more new EU projects on offshore wind with strong Norwegian participation.
Det er oppnådd verdifulle resultat. Den Europeiske forskningsagendaen innen vindkraft speiler nå godt norske prioriteringer på havvind. Det legges vekt på mange av de samme temaene som i Energi21, og det gis prioritet på områder hvor norske FoU og industrimiljøer kan bidra mye og godt. Generelt oppleves norske kunnskapsmiljø og industri som attraktive partnere i H2020 prosjekt, og spesielt SINTEF og NTNU har oppnådd anerkjennelse som internasjonalt ledende forskningsaktører innen havvind. Deltagelse i ledelsen av EERA JPWIND gir nettverk og fingeren på pulsen.
Formidling av informasjon og koordinering med norske aktører er prioritert. Dette er gjennomført gjennom arrangement av webinarer og workshops, i samarbeid med industriklynger og gjennom dialog med Forskningsrådet og andre sentrale aktører. Det er også avholdt flere møter for å følge opp og koordinere innsats mot H2020 calls. Dette har gitt gode resultat i form av flere nye EU prosjekt innen havvind med sterk norsk deltagelse.
This project includes the following activities:
a) Heading SP Offshore Balance of Plant,
b) Participation in the management and Board of the EERA JP Wind Energy
c) Dissemination of information and coordination with Norwegian entities.
Dissemination of information and coordination with Norwegian entities will be given priority, and will be according to the requirements listed by the Research Council of Norway (RCN):
- summing up from relevant EERA JP Wind Energy meetings and distribute in an open e-mail list to relevant Norwegian actors
- inform about the work within EERA JP Wind Energy through presentations at open conferences, seminars etc at least two times per year, or possibly through articles in relevant open magazines, the RCN H2020-newsletter etc
- keep the RCN informed, including making sure to invite the RCN to participate/present at relevant events, keeping the RCN NCP for H2020 Energy on relevant e-mail lists and sharing copies of relevant presentations/articles on the work within EERA JP Wind Energy.
- develop and maintain an open e-mail list where all relevant actors at any time can sign up to receive information about the activity in EERA JP Wind Energy.
The networks of NOWITECH, NORCOWE and WindCluster Norway will be utilized in the dissemination activity, and there will be dialogue with the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and other stakeholders (e.g. OED, Energi21) via electronic media, telephone conferences and meetings. Input to RCN's H2020- newsletter will be done when relevant. The biannual seminar series of Industry meets Science as well as the annual EERA Deepwind conference has been and will be used for information sharing.