AMPEA aims to harness and integrate materials science and process innovation for high performance sustainable energy technologies, in order to enhance the long-term competitiveness of European Industry. AMPEA is organized in a matricial way with the aim of applying the capacity of 3 ?Tools? sub-programmes (SPs) corresponding to generic research areas to ?applications? SPs related to known emerging energy challenges and domains. There are presently 3 identified ?Applications? SPs, "Artificial Photosynthesis", "Materials for Extreme Operating Conditions? and "Materials for Extreme Operating Conditions?. This last SP, coordinated by SINTEF, relates to research, development and testing in operando conditions of materials for intensified temperature heat exploitation. Five focus areas are considered: Energy harvesting materials; Polymer nano-composites for intensified heat transfer; Micro- and nano-structured heat exchange surfaces; Nanofluids, Materials for thermochemical energy storage. With the support of the Norwegian Research Council of Norway, SINTEF has taken part in the JP AMPEA activities, joining AMPEA board meetings and networking events including co-organization of workshops.
The Project focuseds on strengthening Norwegian R&D positioning in Europe by taking part in AMPEA management meetings, contributing to strategic documents and organizing open events with relevant actors from Norway and Europe. Overall, all these tasks were carried out despite the difficulties imposed by COVID-19 which affected travelling and rendered difficult engaging dialogues with externals. SINTEF contributed to the organization of open events showcasing research activities on CCUS, PV, electrolysis, thermoelectrics, etc. Collaboration with AMPEA partners also yielded a new EU project on proton ceramics with the formal support of AMPEA. This project also includes two other Norwegian partners. Other collaborative actions with AMPEA partners (e.g. collaboration via forsker project proposals) were undertaken but did not yield successful funding. There were possibilities to provide inputs to e.g., the CET partnership program, as well as the update of the AMPEA description of work.
AMPEA ledes av CEA i Frankrike, som er den mest sentrale aktøren i forumet. SINTEF er den eneste norske deltakeren. De fleste store RTOene i Europa innenfor energiområdet er aktive i AMPEA, som f.eks. DTU (DK), VTT (FI), CEA (FR), ENEA (IT), UKERC (UK) og FZ Jülich (DE). SINTEF har overtatt ledelsen av delprosjektet Advanced Materials for Heat Exploitation and Energy Conversion (SP-C) i AMPEA og er medlem av Management Board. SINTEF vil delta i styringskomitémøter (2 pr. år) og workshops som arrangeres av AMPEA. I tillegg vil vi være representert på EERAs årlige konferanse. I løpet av 3-årsperioden vil SINTEF være vertskap i Norge for minst ett styringskomitémøte og 3 workshops arrangert av AMPEA. I forbindelse med møter i nasjonale prosjekter og fora knyttet til energiteknologi vil vi presentere og diskutere arbeidet i AMPEA og SP-C med de norske aktørene. Utkast til nye utlysninger fra EU som er til behandling i AMPEA vil bli sendt på høring til de norske aktørene.