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IGC - Ice Guard Coating

Alternative title: IGC

Awarded: NOK 5.0 mill.

Ice formation and accumulation on vulnerable surfaces pose an enormous challenge in industries worldwide. From optics like lenses and windows to aerospace vessels, icing is feared and can in worst case lead to catastrophic situations. In this project we present a unique ice protection coating that shows unmatched ice suppression capabilities and robustness compared to existing solutions. Throughout this project, we will validate our promising research results together with leading testing facilities and industry partners. By targeting and verifying IGC for lucrative starting segments, we will use the FORNY to engage in extensive collaboration with large industrial players and investors to move IGC into new applications subsequently.

Ice Guard Coating-prosjektet klarte å verifisere effekten av teknologien som ble testet. Planen er å ta dette videre med ut i et selskap som skal bli verdensledende på anti-is-løsninger for industri som opererer i områder hvor is er et problem.

Funding scheme: