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ENERGIX-Stort program energi


Awarded: NOK 0.84 mill.

The Joint Programme on Smart Cities of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA JPSC) combines high-level energy and urban research with on-the-ground innovation with cities, citizens and solution providers. In this manner, EERA JPSC contributes to the European Missions to create 100 Positive Energy Districts by 2025 (SET-Plan Action 3.2) and 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030 (EU Cities Mission). In order to achieve these objectives, EERA JPSC closely cooperates with the SET-Plan Action 3.2 and the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership, the Smart Cities Marketplace, the SCC Lighthouse Projects and the SCALE Secretariat, and the COST Action and IEA EBC Annex 83 on Positive Energy Districts. NTNU has coordinated the EERA JPSC 2018-2021, and was recently re-elected for a new 4-year period. This project will support further engagement by NTNU and Norwegian partners in EERA JSPC and the implementation of the SET-Plan Action 3.2 and the EU Cities Mission.

I 4 år har EERA PSC vært en inkubator for plussbydeler mot SET-Plan Action 3.2, og bidratt til å utvikle spin-offs som COST Action PED-EU-NET og IEA EBC Annex 83. Hva er neste steg? I november 2020 begynte vi å organisere møter mellom EERA JPSC, H2020 SCC-prosjektene, SCALE, Smart Cities Marketplace, Driving Urban Transitions Partnership, COST Action og IEA EBC Annex 83 on Positive Energy Districts for å identifisere felles utfordringer og muligheter. I 2021 har vi videreutviklet disse samtalene til et europeisk rammeverk for plussbydeler i samarbeid med SET-Plan Action 3.2 og de øvrige partnerne. I desember 2021 har vi fortsatt å bygge en ny FoU-agenda for 2022-2025 som retter seg direkte mot de 2 store europeiske samfunnsoppdragene innenfor våre fagfelt: 100 plussbydeler innen 2025 og 100 klimanøytrale byer innen 2030, på en vakker, inkluderende og bærekraftig måte (i tråd med New European Bauhaus).

The research questions involved in transforming cities into Smart cities are highly complex and can only be solved by taking an interdisciplinary, transnational approach. The Joint Programme Smart Cities of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA JPSC) provides an ideal framework for this joint effort by pooling high-level energy research expertise and infrastructure across Europe. With more than 20 full partners (thereof 2 national umbrella organisations), more than 30 associated participants and City and Industry Advisory Communities from 16 countries, EERA JPSC plays a defining role in the European research and innovation landscape on smart cities. EERA JPSC plays an advisory role towards the European Commission, supports implementation and development of the SET-Plan, coordinates the scientific community towards excellent research and transfers results to industry, and makes all of these actions visible to increase their impact. NTNU/Annemie Wyckmans was elected Coordinator of the EERA JPC in summer 2017, and effectively started this responsibility in January 2018. Under NTNU's leadership, during the next 4 years EERA JPSC will develop a European research and innovation roadmap for smart cities, strategically promote the continued necessity of research and innovation in this field, and help develop funding opportunities at national and European scale. An important first step is a central role for EERA JPSC in the development and execution of the SET-Plan Action 3.2 Implementation Plan for Smart Cities and Communities, under the leadership of the Austrian Ministry, aiming for at least 100 successful Positive Energy Districts in Europe by 2025. In 2018, NTNU has engaged in dialogue with several Norwegian research actors and centres, as well as cities and industry partners, to join the EERA JPSC as partners or advisory community. This project will support further engagement by Norwegian partners in EERA JSPC and the implementation of SET-Plan Action 3.2.

Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi