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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Sailbuoy for krill

Alternative title: Seilbøye for krill

Awarded: NOK 3.5 mill.

Project Manager:

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Project Period:

2019 - 2022


The Sailbuoy ( has demonstrated robustness and durability through its crossing of the Atlantic without assistance by human effort. The project made initial tests in the Antarctic with an existing Sailbuoy. This is a small vehicle driven by wind power and with sensor operation and communication powered by solar panels. The vehicle communicates through an Iridium connection and operates a suite of the most important sensors associated with monitoring of the marine ecosystems and its resources. The Sailbuoy has demonstrated its performance and suitability in several projects through its ability to a) collect data in accordance with mission plan, b) report results to users in near real time, c) receive and implement new mission instructions from the user. Sailbuoy for krill (S4K) is a project aiming at demonstrating the direct application of this innovative vehicle in the krill fisheries industry associated with krill harvesting in a sensitive marine environment in the Antarctic. Main goal of project manager Aker Biomarine is: 1. to develop an autonomous and digital solution increasing cost-efficiency in the fisheries by reducing vessel search time and thereby reducing the industry carbon footprint, and 2. to provide data collection for research and monitoring that support management and sustainability of the fishery. Secondary objectives include a) the implementation of the above solution for Norwegian pelagic fisheries, and b) establish a product for the fisheries and fisheries science marked (SB4Krill). Aker Biomarine is the project owner and has Liegruppen as commercial partner for studies in Norwegian waters. The producer, Offshore Sensing, is partner due to the company's interest in expanding the use of the technology recognising in the opportunity of the vehicle to collect data in areas and periods without vessel coverage. NORCE has produced and delivered hardware and software, in collaboration with Offshore Sensing, specially developed for this project. Institute of Marine Research is user of results and partner within marine research and monitoring. They will evaluate research and management applications of S4K. The project has been delayed by Covid-19. Planned fieldwork in 2020/21 was cancelled and integration with associated research activities was delayed. The project was therefore granted an extension to end of June 2022. During the last season additional data has been collected added to the database which is still under analysis. A lot of data has been collected during past seasons that is now under processing, analysis, and publication. The field work demonstrated larger operational challenges than expected. The project has therefore used larger proportion of its resources to enhance the robustness of the vehicle as well as the software. Aker Biomarine has worked tightly with Offshore Sensing to solve these challenges and end up with a functional vehicle. A major milestone was passed in past season when S4K was left operating in the South Orkney Islands while the fleet was fishing in the Brands Field Straight. Based on satellite born information of high krill concentration in the South Orkney area from the buoy, one vessel could leave mediocre/bad fishing and cruise directly to an area for good fishing without searching. The operational tests have now demonstrated that S4K: - Can complete scientific acoustic transect supporting resource monitoring - Can record krill close to surface invisible by echosounder on the mother vessel due to depth of transducer. This is important both for research and commercial operations - Can inform about krill densities in a remote area while the fleet are fishing elsewhere thus enhance efficiency and reduce carbon footprint - The vehicle is vulnerable to the rough weather and ice conditions. While the robustness has been greatly improved during the project, it is important to ensure adequate operational procedures that improve its survival probability. The activity in Norwegian waters was been reduced compared to plan. The input from Liegruppen was important during planning and initial testing. More field testing is needed to qualify the vehicle for use under Norwegian field conditions. Aker Biomarine now includes S4K in a larger effort in building autonomous technologies for sustainable krill fishing. The S4K project is considered successful and S4K will become an important tool in the overall toolbox in this strategy. The company will continue to work with the research institutions to support efficient data collection and data sharing to the benefit for all.

Prosjektet har utviklet og forbedret en autonom farkost (Sailbuoy) til bruk i Antarktis. Den er også prøvd ut under norsk forhold. Farkosten er spesielt egnet for langtidsobservasjoner i område der fiskeriet ikke foregår. Aker Biomarine har med suksess stimet lange distanser basert på akustiske registreringer observert med S4K. Systemet har fått et nytt effektivt prosessering, kommunikasjons og dataoverføringssystem, som gjør det egnet for oppgaven. Det er også vist at systemet kan gjennomføre rutineobservasjoner for forskning og overvåkning. Dette vil ikke bare være viktig i Antarktis, men også i norske farvann vil systemet kunne fylle hull i kunnskapsgrunnlaget, som ellers ville bli for dyrt å gjennomføre med eksisterende fartøybaserte systemer. Systemet blir nå tatt med videre i Aker sin satsing på autonome systemer. For dem er viktig å få løst utfordringer knyttet til operasjoner i områder med is, før etablering av et endelig produkt. For operasjoner i norske farvann trengs mer felterfaring, men ellers burde eksisterende produkt kunne gjøre jobben med de begrensningene som er påpekt av Havforskningsinstituttet; slik som manøvreringsevne i kystområder og lite utviklede system og metoder for utsetting og ombordtaking. For begge områdene ville en et enklere, mindre energislukende og billigere akustisk system gjøre produktet mer konkurransedyktig. Dette er viktig få å kunne sette flere bøyer inn i en jobb når farten begrenser dekningsgraden. Vi mener at prosjektet har skapt en prototype på et produkt som kan bli et viktig instrument for fiskeri og forsking i Antarktis så vel som i norske farvann. Systemet kan styrke bærekraften i næringen så vel som i overvåkning. Produktet vi ha betydelig interesse i et internasjonalt marked innen både fiskeri og forskning/overvåkning.

Sailbuoy for krill (SB4Krill) is based on the specific challenges associated to fisheries of krill in Antarctic waters but include also a fish component from the Norwegian fishing industry to ensure that the development satisfies a more general approach. The development aims at satisfying not only the fishing industry market, but also needs of associated research, monitoring and management. The krill industry emphasizes this due to the increasing number of requests and requirements from CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Life following the concern of human impacts on these vulnerable krill-based ecosystems under global warming. The Sailbuoy has demonstrated its operational robustness ( and the industry consider this autonomous technology an efficient tool of two reasons: a) The SB4Krill enhances cost-efficiency of the fishing operation through reduction of searching time for biomass distribution outside the range of vessel instrumentation, both in the vessels’ nearfield as well as when the SB4Krill operates autonomously at distant fishing locations. b) The SB4Krill supports the sustainability of the industry through collecting research data requested by CCAMLR without using resource demanding vessel time, also during periods with no fishing activity,. The project includes a strong group technologist, scientists ((Offshore Sensing, Norce, Institute of Marine Research (IMR)) and representatives from operational fishing industry (Aker Biomarine (AB), Lie-gruppen) that will ensure an efficient combination of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. With this basis the SB4Krill will be developed through a continuous interaction between testing and development. AB, the project owner, and IMR, management adviser, envision a new industry invention taking a strong foothold in the fishing industry thus creating a product that in coming years will be further developed to satisfy both industry and research demands.

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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2