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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Nytt flertrinns rensekonsept for rent vegvann

Alternative title: New multistage concept for treatment of road water

Awarded: NOK 3.9 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2019 - 2024

Funding received from:


Partner countries:

Through the project we will be able to contribute towards better and more extensive cleaning of runoff water from roads. Thereby we can take better care of the natural environment. Runoff from roads (road water) contains pollutants to a greater or lesser degree. The pollutants are road dust, heavy metals (lead, zinc, copper, cadmium, chromium, mercury, nickel, arsenic), nutrients (phosphorus), oil, salt, organic pollutants (PAH) and microplastics. Contaminated road water represents a growing problem due to increased traffic and climate change. Discharges to water, rivers and streams can change the chemical and ecological condition. Stricter requirements are therefore set for the purification of road water and new solutions are demanded, not only in Norway, but also in other countries. The goal of the project is to develop a new multi-stage treatment concept based on a multifunctional sedimentation and treatment basin in combination with new compact pre- and post-treatment stages for the best possible treatment effect. The development work will produce module-based elements at each treatment stage so that the various treatment stages can be adapted to local conditions. A buried multifunctional sedimentation and treatment pool has been built at FV505 which serves as a pilot project and learning arena. The basin is in operation. Access for inspection, measurement and sampling in inlets and outlets has been established. A 3D flow model has now been built for the basin. The model is flexible so that it can be adapted to different measuring programs. It can also be used in the adaptation of future facilities. Model experiments yield many interesting results. The system at FV505 is now instrumented for continuous monitoring so that the 3D flow model can be calibrated and used to model the cleaning effect. A sampling program has also been initiated with associated chemical analyzes to arrive at the degree of purification that can be achieved through sedimentation for various pollutants. This is set up against best practice from previous projects in Norway and other selected countries. A program for analyses of the cleaning effect of microplastics has been initiated. The results of analyzes of samples from the buried sedimentation and treatment basin are compared with results from a traditional open treatment basin built on another part of the same stretch of road. To further increase the degree of purification, filtration after sedimentation may be necessary. Different filter materials and filter constructions will be tested. Two types of filter material have been identified which in laboratory tests have shown good cleaning properties, especially for heavy metals. Test facilities for testing filter material and function will be initiated soon. Two master students have completed their master project documenting the cleaning effect of the system. Results from the tests at the plant at FV505 have been used in the design of another treatment plant which has been constructed at Kroheia in Sokndal municipality. This will also be used as a pilot project and reference. Here, KNA Raceway has built a motorsport facility, where there are requirements for cleaning the runoff from the race track. The installation was opened in July 2021. Here, too, measurements and analyzes of function and degree of purification will be made. This facility will provide valuable information for further development work. The RentVegvann project was started on 1 May 2019 and runs over a period of four years. The partnership consists of Skjæveland Gruppen AS, which is the project owner, while Storm Aqua AS is the project manager. In addition, Leca Norge AS participates. The research partners are SINTEF, NTNU, NIVA and the University of Copenhagen.

RENTVEGVANNs overordnede ide er å utvide porteføljen av løsninger som kan brukes til rensing av vegvann. I prosjektet vil det bli satt fokus på å utvikle et nytt flertrinns rensekonsept basert på et kombinert fordrøyningsmagasin og sedimentasjonsbasseng inkludert nye kompakte for- og etterbehandlingstrinn for best mulig renseeffekt. I utviklingsarbeidet vil det bli satt fokus på å utvikle modulbaserte elementer på hvert trinn for fleksibel kombinasjon og stedstilpasning. Prosjektet vil dokumentere det nye rensekonseptet ved å designe, optimalisere og etablere prototyper som vil bli testet ut under reelle under reelle forhold ved ulike testlokasjoner der prosjektpartnerne er involvert i overvannshåndteringen. Det er planlagt minst 1 års prøvedrift ila. av prosjektet. Innovasjonen i prosjektet er rettet mot både produktutvikling og produkttilpasning og vil fokusere på å bli et bærekraftig alternativ som møter nye rensekrav for vegvann. Resultatet fra RENTVEGVANN vil være et nytt modulært flertrinns rensekonsept med dokumentert renseeffekt og tilhørende dimensjonerings-, drifts- og vedlikeholdsveiledere. Skjæveland Cementstøperi og Storm Aqua samarbeider om overvannsproblematikk, dels i form av utvikling av nye løsninger, og dels i form av rådgivning om praktisk overvannshåndtering. Skjæveland Cementstøperi er prosjekteier, mens Storm Aqua leder prosjektet. Leca, som leverer filtermateriale, er prosjektpartner. Forskningspartnere er SINTEF, NTNU, NIVA og Københavns Universitet. Prosjektet vil omfatte etablering av en innovasjonsarena slik at andre aktører kan ta del i innovasjonsarbeidet og få tilgang til ny kunnskap.

Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena