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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Urbane fordrøyende tak - Verktøykasse for prosjektering og utførelse

Alternative title: Urban detention roofs – Toolbox for engineering and construction

Awarded: NOK 2.5 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2019 - 2024

Funding received from:


Subject Fields:

This project makes it possible to contribute to the roof being used both as an attractive recreational area and a tool for surface water management. The project's main goal is to develop and establish a new toolbox for planning and designing blue-gray and blue-green roofs. The toolbox shall include surface water technical and building technical aspects as well as comprehensive risk assessments. There are several technical requirements for such roofs that need clarification and more development. The work done so far has already provided valuable information that is incorporated into the toolbox. Runoff characteristics have been investigated and a runoff model has been developed. Slope and drainage conditions have been investigated and incorporated into the toolbox. They will be tested in connection with the next pilot project. The roof can be normal or inverted depending on whether the insulation is below or above the membrane. If the roof is used as a surface water measure, it will be damp for long periods. The temperature variations in the insulation on both types of roofs have been measured and good correlations have been found. An urban outdoor space leads to a higher load on the building. This can be considered in new buildings, while it must be carefully examined if existing buildings are to be rebuilt. A calculation tool has been developed for calculating additional load. The calculation tool is ready for testing in connection with the next pilot project. Frost and especially thawing / freezing affect the roof of a building. The insulation capacity of snow and the heat transport through the roof can cause the snow against the roof to melt while the surface is many degrees below freezing. Location of roof downspouts therefore plays a major role in order to avoid freezing problems. Guidelines for the location of downspouts under different climatic conditions have been developed. Experience shows that urban outdoor spaces on roofs have interfaces with many disciplines and other parts of a building. A sub-project to shed light on the connections between the various disciplines, their roles and interaction is ongoing. The focus will be on operation and maintenance. A prototype of an urban outdoor space was built at Høvringen in Trondheim. The roof has given very many interesting and useful results and has formed the basis for several projects at master's and doctoral level. The first pilot project for an urban outdoor space was built on Lilleborg Terrace on Stokke outside Sandefjord. The roof has worked well both technically and functionally and it has provided many useful experiences that have been incorporated into the project. The second pilot project was designed and built on Valkyriegata 1-3 at Majorstuen in Oslo. In addition to rainwater falling on the roof itself, the roof handles the surface water from several surrounding roofs. The design and construction were demanding due to limited space and adaptation to other construction activities. The project has been completed and the roof is in use. The pilot project has provided many experiences that are incorporated into the further project. The RoofTools project was started on 1 May 2019 and runs over a period of four years. The partnership consists of Skjæveland Gruppen AS, which is the project owner, while Storm Aqua AS is the project manager. The research partner is SINTEF.

Blågrønne og blågrå løsninger bygger på en tverrfaglig tilnærming til overvannshåndtering og grønne/grå områder. Tak er attraktive å utnytte til fordrøyning av overvann. En slik tilnærming krever at takene er tilpasset til overvannsystemet, og omvendt, noe som gjøres i svært liten grad i dag. I tillegg kompliseres dimensjoneringen og prosjekteringen av takene at overvannshåndteringseffekten er en funksjon av oppbygningen av takene og i liten grad overført til enkle modeller. Prosjektets overordnede idé er å utvikle og etablere en ny verktøykasse for planlegging og prosjektering av blågrå og blågrønne tak som tar opp i seg VA-tekniske og bygningstekniske aspekter samt helhetlige risikovurderinger. Skjæveland Gruppen er prosjekteier og vil utvikle produkter til fordrøyende tak. Initielt vil det skje gjennom utviklingsarbeid og pilotprosjekter, bl.a. gjennom satsningen Storm Aqua vil utvikle beregningsverktøy samt medvirke i utviklingen av pilotprosjekter og bidra med kompetanse og rådgivning om løsninger til et helhetlig prosjekterings- og dimensjoneringsverktøy. SINTEF er forskningspartner og har ekspertise innen VA-teknikk og bygningsfysikk, i tillegg til laboratorie- og testfasiliteter egnet for forskningsaktivitetene i prosjektet.

Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena