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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Kvalifisering av lavutslipps teknologi for skipsmotorer

Alternative title: Qualification of low emission technology for marine engines

Awarded: NOK 4.9 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2019 - 2022


1. Introduction Global emissions from maritime transport are projected to increase significantly towards 2050, unless new technology and energy carriers are phased in. According to IMO scenarios, emissions growth is expected between 50 -250% in the years up to 2050, dep.on economic developments. This is not in line with Paris Agreement and measures must be taken to reduce emissions from int.shipping. IMO has a strategy which, among other things, involves reducing total GHG emissions from shipping by at least 50% compared to 2008 levels. This innovation project addresses the needs for rapid and cost-effective emission reductions in the maritime sector, through development and phasing in low-emission technology for propulsion machinery on ships, that will enable a gradual transition towards the use of zero emission technologies. 2. The main research and development aspects One of the main challenges the shipping industry is facing is access to technology and value chains that enable significant GHG emission reductions from propulsion machinery for ships operating over long distances. These ships sail without the possibility of refuelling, which require other solutions than those available for short distance shipping. Another challenge is access to technology that ensures a cost-effective upgrade of existing ships. To obtain the necessary emission reductions from the maritime sector the emissions from the existing ship fleet need to be addressed. The Multi Fuel System provides for quick and efficient implementation on existing ships. The latter is important for utilizing valuable ship infrastructure and reduce the need for newbuilds, which in turn can have a negative environmental impact as it is highly resource and energy intensive. In this project, Future Energy Solutions AS (FES) has qualified a new technology concept for propulsion machinery on ships, which will enable a gradual transition to the use of zero-emission technologies in a cost-effective way. FES has collaborated with the leading maritime R&D environments in Norway, SINTEF Ocean and NTNU, and with leading shipping and business actors in the relevant sectors. The main purpose of the MAROFF project was to develop the outline design of the technology concept, to undertake a full-scale laboratory test, and to prepare for a full-scale pilot in a ship. A theoretical study under the project document the potential of the solution, concerning environmental and technical impact. The study by SINTEF was finalised in 2020 and confirms the reduction potential and important operational aspects. In addition, it confirms that one efficient way of reducing harmful emissions from ships and reducing GHG emissions is to utilize alternative fuels, as for example biogas that has been utilised as part of the lab test. A dynamic analysis of the injection valve and gas supply system for the solution has also been undertaken under the project. In 2021 and 2022 full scale lab tests have been undertaken with very good results after extensive preparations under the project. Firstly, reference tests were undertaken to measure the results against, and secondly the emissions profile of the solution was measured under different motor speeds. The lab tests have verified the significant GHG reduction potential of the concept and the potential for reductions in other air pollutions in addition to other key operational aspects. The results verify that the solution reduce NOx and CO2 emissions and that the methane emissions are close to zero. This work will be the basis for any subsequent production of conversion kits to rebuild a traditional diesel engine concept into a high-pressure gas engine concept, which may also include other energy carriers in the future. 3. Results The results from the project have been very positive and document the potential for significant emission reductions from ships. The results from the tests at SINTEF Oceans motor laboratory in Trondheim confirm that the Multi Fuel System provide lower emissions of NOx and CO2 and near zero emissions of methane. The tests verify that the Multi Fuel System provide a negative GHG profile with the use of sustainable biogas. Based on these positive results a full-scale ship pilot is planning provided continued public funding. The innovation project will contribute to securing global climate goals, as defined under the Paris Agreement and IMO. The project could give significant positive spin-offs locally and nationally through increased competitiveness, enhanced adaptability and improved interaction and knowledge transfer between the maritime industry and R&D environments. The project "Multi Fuel System", with considerable potential,contributes to the development of a climate and environmentally friendly maritime business and addresses some of today's most important global challenges. Future implementation will lead to upgrading/reuse of existing ship infrastructure,creating local

Prosjektet har hatt positive resultater som dokumenterer potensialet til betydelig reduksjon av GHG-utslipp fra skip. På bakgrunn av de positive resultatene fra laboratorietestingen vil det jobbes videre for realisering av en fullskala pilot i skip, forutsatt offentlig støtte. Prosjektet vil kunne utløse betydelige modifikasjonsoppdrag knyttet til eksisterende skip for den maritime næringen på Vestlandet, siden løsningen er tilpasset for rask og effektiv implementering i eksisterende skips infrastruktur. Dette er en aktivitet/verdiskapning som kommer i tillegg til markedet for nybygg. For å oppnå klimamålene under Parisavtalen er det avgjørende at det utvikles løsninger som adresserer utslippene fra eksisterende skipsinfrastruktur, i tillegg til nybyggsegmentet.

Nyvinningen «Multi Fuel» er å utvikle og bygge et system som reduserer klimagassutslippene fra framdriftsmaskineri på skip, og som i første fase vil benyttes i «høy- og medium-speed skips segmentet». Prosjektet og systemet vil være spesielt egnet til oppgradering av eksisterende skipsflåte og kan tilpasses fremtidens mer miljøvennlig drivstoff med en betydelig kostbesparelse. I tillegg vil løsningen være svært egnet også for nye skip som designes og bygges.

Funding scheme:

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2