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FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren

Prosjektsamarbeid mellom Kulturtanken og OsloMet: Konferanse om barns møter med kunst i skolen.

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Number:


Project Period:

2018 - 2019


Title of conference: Building Partnerships with artists, schools, young people and communities. This conference will attempt to address the role of art educators, artists and researchers in forming sustainable, creative and democratic learning environments, by focusing on art education in a wider societal perspective. The conference seeks to deepen our understanding of issues related to art and dignity and issues related to aesthetic experiences and the development of personhood, self-cultivation and sustainable living. The conference will form an arena in which to exchange critical reflections and investigations of the power of artistic experiences as starting points for individual and social processes that are vital to inclusion and education for democracy. Taking primary school as the frame of reference the conference will address various contexts where pupils are introduced to art. We will look into art experiences enabled by visiting artists, through the participation of young people in professional artistic projects and through the development of children’s creative powers during regular arts classes. While the conference will be directed towards exploring these issues in various contexts, the Norwegian model for providing regular visits by artists in schools, Arts for Young Audiences Norway ("Den kulturelle skolesekken"), will be given particular attention. Furthermore, special attention will be given to exploring student’s perspectives – students as receivers, co-creators or perhaps as critics of art and artistic experiences. The conference will address issues concerning artistic content and quality in view of young people’s negotiation of aesthetic capital. We invite researchers focusing on topics such as the effects of collective art experiences on learning environments, the impact of creative joy on learning, and the power of artistic exploration.

Funding scheme:

FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren