Vision is the most important human sense, and vision problems are common after stroke. In Norway 11-12 000 suffer a stroke every year, and more than half will experience a vision problem. Vision problems are associated with increase in falls, reduced outcomes of rehabilitation, quality of life and additional mental distress. Even so, vision problems are one of the most commonly overlooked and under-treated conditions of stroke. This is mainly due to lack of awareness, competence and interdisciplinary knowledge translation across services, disciplines and sectors.
NorVIS network will implement interdisciplinary research and evidence based practice to promote high-quality person-centred diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in stroke survivors with vision impairment.
Learning to live with VI complex and intertwined with existential and social aspects. Successful vision rehabilitation needs to be included in stroke care to promote stroke outcomes, active ageing and quality of life. In Norway there is lack of interdisciplinary education and cooperation across subject areas, disciplines and sectors. This is a major problem, as most stroke patients needs help from many different professionals.
NorVIS aims to foster collaboration and dialogue between all NorVIS and create a partners in order to develop Norwegian interdisciplinary tools and rehabilitation measures for assessing VI after stroke, and systems for integrating vision care in interdisciplinary stroke care paths. Further, NorVIS will develop reliable information and create public awareness that VI can be a symptom of stroke, and is a common consequence after stroke.
NorVIS will attract attention to this neglected complex area and create awareness of the importance of vision for better stroke/brain health outcomes and quality of life. See
Vision is the most important human sense, and vision impairments (VI) are common after brain diseases. The leading cause of brain disease is stroke, and VI affects more than 60% of survivors. This is >30000 in Norway. VI are associated with increase in falls, reduced outcomes of rehabilitation, quality of life and additional mental distress. The National guidelines states that vision function should be assessed after stroke. Even so, this is rarely done, and VI is one of the most commonly overlooked and under-treated conditions of stroke. This is mainly due to lack of awareness, competence and interdisciplinary knowledge translation across services, disciplines and sectors. In the Status Report for Brain Health, professionals and users emphasize poor care and little attention of VI after stroke, but VI receives little attention in The National Strategy for Brain Health. Learning to live with VI complex and intertwined with existential and social aspects. Successful vision rehabilitation included in user pathways are not only a prerequisite for stroke outcomes, but for active ageing and society. In Norway there is lack of interdisciplinary education and cooperation across subject areas, disciplines and sectors. This is a major problem, as most stroke patients needs help from many different professionals. Development of Norwegian interdisciplinary tools and rehabilitation measures for assessing VI after stroke. Thus, there is an unmet need for implementing interdisciplinary research and knowledge to meet the needs of VI after stroke. NorVIS will apply a knowledge translation framework to implement interdisciplinary research and evidence based practice to promote high-quality person-centred diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in stroke survivors with vision impairment. NorVIS will attract attention to this neglected complex area and create awareness of the importance of vision for better stroke/brain health outcomes and quality of life.