The aim of the study has been to investigate violence against women in migration and flight to better understand the particular challenges that women face as refugees and migrants before and after arriving in Norway. The project was carried out by the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) as part of an international collaboration project involving seven countries, financed by the participating countries' research councils and the EU's research program, Horizon 2020. The Norwegian sub-study was funded by the Norwegian Research Council and the EU's research program, Horizon 2020. The study is based on document studies and qualitative interviews with representatives of authorities, voluntary organizations, and mothers with immigrant backgrounds who have experienced violence. A scientific article, two book chapters in an international anthology, and four master's theses have been published in the project. A policy note based on comparative country studies and involvement from voluntary organizations has also been developed.
Results/conclusions in the project:
State requirements for integration can lead to distortions in the goals of voluntary organizations and undermine the agency of immigrant women
Credibility assessments in the asylum process contradict knowledge about the consequences of gender-based violence and sexual abuse, and can prevent knowledge about sexual abuse from coming to light
Violence victims with immigrant backgrounds face particular obstacles when it comes to leaving a violent partner with a majority Norwegian background
Political directives and institutional logics can worsen the situation for people seeking protection
Theories and concepts that better capture the specific situation of violence victims in migration are necessary, and here a synthesis of universal vulnerability and intersectional discrimination is important.
Prosjektet har fremskaffet ny kunnskap og bidratt til teori- og begrepsutvikling om vold mot kvinner i forbindelse med flukt og migrasjon. Prosjektet har gitt et viktig bidrag til forskningsfeltet. Bedre kunnskap og bedre forståelse og begrepsbruk kan bidra til kompetanseutvikling som kan føre til bedre praksis og politikk. Prosjektets resultater er formidlet i form av et felles policynotat og innspill og medvirkning fra frivillige organisasjoner. Dette gjør at prosjektet vil kunne ha verdi både for politikk, praksisfeltet og frivillig sektor.