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FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren

Better provision for Norway’s children from early childhood education and care through primary school [BeProS]

Alternative title: Gode muligheter for barn i Norge: Fra barnehage til barneskole [GoBaNskole]

Awarded: NOK 11.8 mill.

Project Number:


Application Type:

Project Period:

2020 - 2024


BeProS The project consists of two designs: The first design is based on parents’ consent when the project started in 2014-2015. This project contains data from T1 (children 3 years old), T2 (children 5 years old), and national test results on T3 (children 11 years old). The potential sample is 1152 children, born in 2011 and 2012. The dataset is complete and the analysis is in progress The second design is based on a new parents’ consent collected in 2021-2022. This project contains data from T1 (children 3 years old), T2 (children 5 years old), and T3 (survey data from home, achievements from schools, and national test results for children 11 years old). The potential sample is 500 children, born in 2011 and 2012. All data for the second design is completed and we are in progress with SSB to add National tests for both cohorts (2011 and 2012) to the dataset. Overview of the data collected in the second design: Parental questionnaire - we've received over 400 unique answers from them, which can provide us with important information about the children’s home learning environment. We have obtained figures for school contributions (developed by Statistic Norway) through open sources. Data collected by the teachers: • Social competence – 248 responses • “Ordkjedetesten” – 134 responses • “Regnefaktatesten” – 134 responses • “Student essays” – 92 students We have received fewer responses from the schools than we expected to get. Analyzes Collected data will be analyzed using factor analysis and techniques to examine the items and item structure using structural equation modeling. Further, correlations and multiple regression will be run using structural equation modeling. To examine relationships between child outcomes and covariates on T1, T2, and 3, structural equation modeling will be used. If a problem with missing data, multiple imputation techniques will be used to preserve sample size. The student's essay will be analyzed by focusing on reconstruction of standpoint and implicit and explicit premises, a prerequisite for assessment of argumentative quality The current analyses in progress include the following research questions that relate to children’s development in reading, arithmetic, writing, well-being, and social skills for the 5th grade: RQ1) How does the early years’ and/or primary school years’ Home Learning Environment (HLE) predict later development, controlling for child, family, and neighborhood demographics? RQ2) How does the early childhood education and care (ECEC) predict later development, controlling for child, family, and neighborhood demographics? RQ3) How do school factors (SF) (e.g. effectiveness) predict later development, controlling for child, family, and neighborhood demographics? RQ4) How does HLE, ECEC and SF interact to predict later development, controlling for child, family, and neighborhood demographics? RQ5) How do aspects of children’s development (cognition, language, sociability, behavior, self-regulation, emotional problems, etc) in the preschool years predict later development? Dissemination Several articles based upon the research questions above are being prepared in outline for completion as progress in analyses allows.

The aim of ‘Better provision for Norway’s children from early childhood education and care through primary school’ [BeProS] is to increase educational opportunities for all children in Norway by studying how conditions in early childhood relate to children’s development in primary school. Our target group is 1152 children who participated in the GoBaN project during their preschool years who are now in formal schooling. Consequently, the current proposal constitutes phase two of the longitudinal GoBaN project (2012-2019) (financed by the Research Council of Norway), which assessed the importance of early childhood conditions both in early childhood education and care (ECEC) and at home on children’s social and cognitive development. In this follow-up, we take it a step further by studying how early-years experiences relate to social skills and educational performance in primary School (4th and 5th grade). By continuing the longitudinal design from the GoBaN study, we will gain a broad and in-depth understanding of how children develop in relation to their school environment while accounting for previous conditions in early childhood. With this project, there is a unique possibility to better understand how differences in early childhood can explain developmental trajectories in school. By identifying which factors predict social skills and school performance, policymakers and practitioners will be better equipped to provide an inclusive educational system that provides better prospects for all children living in Norway, as well as reducing the gap between children of different backgrounds.

Funding scheme:

FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren