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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Gallium oxide for efficient power electronics

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Gallium oxide is a promising material for power electronics and we propose a collaborative effort to boost our studies with the help of the exchange visits. Our work will start on the 1/1/2020 and will consist with 4 TASKS and 8 subtasks to be carried out during 12 months. The reason of choosing GEMaC/CNRS for our collaboration is twofold; firstly, it is generally highly reputable organization in condensed matter physics and modern materials; secondly, the team of Dr Chikoidze is among most advanced groups in EU the field of research on gallium oxide – the topic of our proposal. As such, the visits we plan will not only contribute to the development of young researches involved, but also thought to ignite the work on preparation of the joint H2020 or Horizon Europe proposal(s). By far, we did not have much of collaboration with GEMaC and specifically with the team of Dr Chikoidze even though it would be very attractive. Still, it can be mentioned that Dr Chikoidze acted as an opponent to a PhD thesis on gallium oxide recently accomplished at UiO (June 2019) under supervision of Prof Kuznetsov; since that we have exchanged some samples of mutual interest and are motivated to establish a collaboration. Importantly, as already mentioned above, the present visits might not be seen as an isolated activity but rather as a strategic network building, specifically targeting EU applications for funds.

Funding scheme:

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike