The primary objective for the INTPART-project "Brazil-Norway Research, Education and Competence transfer" (BN-REC) is to establish long-term excellent collaboration within Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) education and research groups in Norway (NORCE Norwegian Research Center (NORCE), University of Stavanger (UiS) and National Centre for Sustainable Subsurface Utilization of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NC2030)) and Brazil (University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and EPIC-center).
In NORCE (and formerly IRIS and Rogaland Research), research and industry IOR-projects have been carried out since the 80's. NORCE is a research partner in NCS2030 hosted by UiS. UiS has offered courses on IOR-methods since the 80's and is well recognized internationally in this area. The international partner UNICAMP has done many IOR projects with industry involvement and has also offered courses related to IOR. In the Spring 2019, a large research program named "EPIC" co-financed by Equinor and the FAPESP organization of Sao Paulo state, was started at UNICAMP.
The secondary objectives for BN-REC are to:
Establish common MSc IOR-programs at UiS and UNICAMP to increase the quality in the education based on shared knowledge.
Exchange of PhD-students and researchers between Norway and Brazil to expose them to international research and industry and give them access to facilities and competence in the other country.
Establish joint research projects which will increase the quality of the IOR research between the two groups and provide leading edge technology to industry.
Arrange IOR-workshops/seminars to share new research results/ideas to academia and industry.
The aim of the proposed project BN-REC is to establish an excellent long-term collaboration on Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) between education and research groups in Stavanger/Norway (NORCE Norwegian Research Center (NORCE) and University of Stavanger (UiS)) and the University of Campinas (UNICAMP)/Brazil. In NORCE (and formerly IRIS and Rogaland Research), research and industry IOR-projects have been carried out since the 80’s. NORCE is a research partner in the National IOR Center of Norway (NIORC) hosted by the University of Stavanger (UiS). UiS has offered courses on IOR-methods since the 80’s and is well recognized internationally in this area. The international partner UNICAMP has done many IOR projects with industry involvement and also offered courses related to IOR. In the Spring 2019, a large research program named “EPIC” co-financed by Equinor and the FAPESP organization of Sao Paulo state, was started at UNICAMP.
BN-REC is organized in 5 work packages (WPs):
WP1 Management: Day to day project management, administration and reporting.
WP2 Development MSc IOR-programs: MSc IOR programs will be developed stepwise at UiS and UNICAMP. The aim is to establish MSc IOR program/specialization at the two universities which contains components on both sides and have continuous flow of students from both countries.
WP3 Exchange PhD-students and researchers: The possibility for exchange between Norway (UiS/NIORC/NORCE) and Brazil (UNICAMP/EPIC) will be offered to the best PhD-students and researchers to expose them for an international education, research and industry. Routines for joint supervision of PhD-students will be established.
WP4 Joint Project development: Development of joint project proposals for the public and private funding in Norway and Brazil, e.g. the BN21 program.
WP5 Joint IOR Workshops/Seminars: Two workshops will be arranged each year, one in Norway and one in Brazil. In addition, MSc/PhD seminars will be arranged in both countries.
Funding scheme:
INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research