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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Trygg og energioptimal autonom seilas

Alternative title: Safe and Energy Optimal Autonomous Operations of Ships

Awarded: NOK 13.2 mill.

In this project, a system will be developed to steer a fishing boat in a safer and more energy-friendly way than what is done today. The system will be energy-saving by adapting to varying weather, sea states and operating conditions, as well as steer the ship steadily to increase catch of fish. To clarify the idea, you can compare this to a car with cruise control and automatic transmission. When the car comes to a hill, it will adapt by changing both speed and torque so that the engine does not suffocate. Similarly, engine and propeller control of ships should be based on external influences. By utilizing information available on the ship, a computer system can do an expert assessment of how to control the engine and propeller. In the development, knowledge of hydrodynamics and power systems will be used to develop a system that holds both propeller and engine at optimal operating point. The system is described systematically so that the system can be analyzed using mathematical tools. In addition, the system will steer the ship in a desired trajectory, as well as maintain constant speed through waves to create good conditions for line fishing. In today's line fishing, the operator keeps an eye out for incoming waves, and adjusts the propeller commands accordingly to keep the ship at constant speed. A control system that foresees the ship's movement in waves should be able to take over this task of the operator. In the ship used for the prototype in this project, a sensor that registers the ship's movement is installed. Analyzes of historical data from this instrument will be essential in the development of a system that compensates for incoming waves. In order to gain enough trust in a system that increasingly takes over operator tasks, thorough testing of the control system is required. Testing using the real vessel may not be feasible due to the number of tests and that some tests may potentially be harmful to both vessel and equipment. To ensure safe and efficient voyage of the vessel, a methodology for automatic, simulator-based testing will be developed in this project. A set of initial tests and the results from those, will form the bases for automatic generation of new tests where the uncertainty of the results are highest or where the results show that the control system soon will fail. Methodology for assurance of simulation models will also be developed in this project to ensure the simulator satisfies the requirements set to carry out the tests and to ensure that the simulator reproduces reality with the necessary accuracy. quality of the models and that the results from the simulation are within satisfactory limits. A Recommended Practice will be developed, and then used in the project for verification and validation of the simulator and it?s components. The test system may used both during the development of new control systems and during the operational phase, as changes and updates of software normally take place throughout the life cycle.


Innovasjonsprosjektet skal utvikle en generisk løsning for trygg og energioptimal autonom seilas for skip i sjøgang ved ulike driftsmoder. Prototypen skal testes på linefartøyet MS Geir for å effektivisere operasjonen og minske skade og tap av fangst. Prosjektet skal se på løsninger for å automatisk optimalisere lastfordeling, rorbruk og propellstigning/rpm under ulike driftskondisjoner slik at motor og propell opererer på optimalt driftspunkt. Settpunkt blir i dagens system i dag satt ut ifra forhåndsdefinerte kombinatorkurver for spesifikke kondisjon(er). Typisk er noen få kurver implementert, og operatøren må selv bestemme når det skal byttes mellom kurvene. Innovasjonsprosjektet skal utvikle ny metodikk for etablering av optimal lastfordeling mellom propellere, optimal rorbruk og optimale kombinatorkurver som inkluderer hybride fremdriftssystem, miljøkrefter, dragkrefter fra fiskeredskap og batterienes ladestatus. Løsningen skal gi automatisk regulering av lastfordeling, kombinatorkurver og kraftkilder basert på utviklet metodikk, algoritmer og løpende målinger. Løsningen skal inkludere kobling mot navigasjonssystem herunder automatisk kurskontroll. Løsningene skal implementeres i et styringssystem for autonom seilas. Løsninger for å forbedre hastighet og kurskontroll inkluderer bruk av måledata fra thrust, dreiemoment på aksel og krefter fra vinsjer. For linefartøy vil små forbedringer i hastighetsstyringen kunne gi store utslag under setting av line, der man med jevnere hastighet reduserer tap av agn og dermed øker fangst per kWh. For å oppnå tilstrekkelig tillit til komplekse programvarebaserte styrefunksjoner som støtter eller tar over oppgaver til kompetente operatører, kreves det testing der styresystemet utsettes for ulike scenarioer. I innovasjonsprosjektet skal det utvikles konsepter og løsninger for simulatorbasert testing, inkludert generering av scenarier og evaluering av resultater.

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Funding scheme:

MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2