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Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage Distribution grids in Norway

Awarded: NOK 0.81 mill.

RESOLVD Norway aimed at transferring knowledge and technology from the H2020 project RESOLVD to a broad Norwegian audience especially focusing on the identified main end-users of the RESOLVD technology, Distribution System Operators (DSOs). A series of three interactive online workshops were organized targeting Norwegian stakeholders across the country. The workshops were designed to support exploiting the outcomes in Norway and to support the Norwegian actors in collaboration with international partners towards new H2020 applications. The each workshop focused on innovation topics associated with RESOLVD and these were: 1) Digitalisation of the low-voltage grid: improving monitoring and observability, 2) New instruments to leverage the flexibility from distributed battery storage, and 3)Active and intelligent network management systems. Relevant technology developers from RESOLVD presented their innovative solution for DSOs. Technology developers from Norway were invited to present similar solution from Norwegian market perspective. Additionally 3 guest speakers were invited for each workshop to contextualize the RESOLVD challenges in Norwegian perspective. In total 111 participants registered for the three workshops which mostly comprised of DSOs. Other stakeholders which participated were Norwegian technology developers, academia, and research institutes. it was found that may of the challenges which were tackled in H2020 RESOLVD project are relevant to Norwegian context as well. Some of the challenges however are unique to Norway. The detail findings from the discussions have been documented in a public final report, which will be disseminated to relevant high-level actors and to a broader audience in Norway.

For Smart Innovation Norway: 1. Increased network and visibility in Norway including distribution system operators and Norwegian smart grid centre 2. Increased visibility of the RESOLVD H2020 project outcomes 3. Opportunity to execute dissemination and exploitation enhancement activities beyond the limitations of H2020 budget. One of the DSO has initiated dialogue with technology developer from H2020 RESOVD to seek possibility of implementation. 4. Improved presence of its two clusters. Cluster members participate both as participants and some of them as guest speakers. For targeted stakeholders: 1. increased understanding of benefits and practices related to H2020 project collaboration 2. increased the understanding of RESOLVD H2020 innovations 3. opportunity to exploit the outcomes of RESOLVD H2020 project 4. opportunity to create relationships with international RESOLVD H2020 project partners both for joint research and business actions.

RESOLVD Norway aims at transferring knowledge and technology from H2020 project RESOLVD to broad Norwegian audience especially focusing on the identified main end-user of the RESOLVD technology, DSOs. Four interactive workshops will be designed and organised across Norway to achieve as broad geographical impact as possible. Each workshop will have at least 50 participants, this during the 18-month project means that 200 Norwegian actors will be met via virtual meetings to present the RESOLVD H2020 project outcomes, to support exploiting the outcomes in Norway and to support the Norwegian actors in collaboration with international partners towards new H2020 applications. In addition, the workshop findings will be documented in a special report, which will be disseminated to relevant high-level actors and to broader audience in Norway.

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