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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Advances in heterogeneous catalysis through integrated theoretical and experimental efforts

Alternative title: INTPART - International partnerships for excellent education, research and innovation

Awarded: NOK 4.3 mill.

The CATHEX project brings together world-class and well-recognized research groups to advance education and innovation within chemical engineering aimed at solving global challenges. The synergy and objectives of CATHEX will be enabled through - Collaboration between the Norwegian partners NTNU and the University of Oslo, East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), University of Madison-Wisconsin (USA), University of Cape Town (South Africa) and University of Toronto (Canada). - Management and administration by iCSI; a Centre for research-based innovation granted by the Research Council of Norway and hosted by Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU. - Funding by INTPART; a programme that promotes the development of long-term relations between Norwegian higher education and research institutions and strong research groups and institutions in eight priority partner countries in a collaborative effort between the Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku). So far this has been completed: - 10 webinars have been arranged, with lectures by professors from the University of Cape Town, East China University of Science and Technology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Olso and NTNU. - 10 guest stays by professors, researchers, PhD students and master's students from partners from South Africa and the USA to Norway. - 4 research stays by researchers from Norway to partners in South Africa (1 professor and a postdoc), the USA (a PhD) and China (1 professor ongoing research stay in autumn 2024) - 3 young researchers from China on a guest stay at NTNU (ongoing research stay in autumn 2024) - A seminar in Trondheim in collaboration with the closing seminar of the SFI iCSI, where CATHEX was responsible for 2 out of a total of four days. Participation from 10 external CATHEX partners in addition to approx. 40 researchers from NTNU/UiO/SINTEF. 25 oral subject presentations (listed under results) and 20 posters. - A workshop in Shanghai with participation from NTNU, Norway (5); University of Cape Town, South Africa (2); University of Toronto, Canada (1) and ECUST, China, with 16 oral subject presentations - Participation from NTNU (2, by invitation) at a seminar organized by a CATHEX partner from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Italy. - Participation with a plenary lecture (by invitation from CATHEX) at the Nordic Catalysis Symposium in Stavanger from a CATHEX partner and professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison - Participation in a defense at UiO for a co-supervisor from the University of Cape Town - 44 joint publications have been published in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals. Several joint publications are planned and under preparation. - A total of 77 oral lectures and other contributions in connection with conferences, seminars/webinars and meetings.

The CATHEX project brings together world-class and well-recognized research groups in an INTPART projects that aims to advance education and innovation within heterogeneous catalysis to solve global challenges. CATHEX integrates theoretical and experimental methodologies for specific selected challenges and utilizes the strengths and complementarities of the partners. CATHEX is initiated and managed by iCSI; a Centre for research-based innovation granted by the Research Council of Norway and hosted by Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU. CATHEX is well aligned with NTNU’s mission, internationalization targets and national role in developing the technological foundation for our future society. CATHEX is based on existing collaborations or established intentions to collaborate between the Norwegian partners NTNU and the University of Oslo, East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), University of Madison-Wisconsin (USA), University of Cape Town (South Africa) and University of Toronto (Canada). The CATHEX network enables a multidisciplinary approach, using kinetic and isotopic techniques, spectroscopy, microscopy, and theoretical modelling to advance fundamental, molecular scale understanding of heterogeneous catalytic processes. The research conducted will be pre-commercial, but the industrial network of all partners - iCSI in particular - can participate and learn of and contribute to the advancements. The synergy and objective in CATHEX will be enabled through exchanges and workshops. Shorter and longer research exchange periods will be financed, both to and from Norway, and involving senior and junior professors, postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students. Supervision of students, teaching in NTNU and UiO PhD/MSc courses and guest lectures will be integrated with the exchange of senior researchers. Six workshops/schools will be organized, one at each partner node.

Publications from Cristin

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Funding scheme:

INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research