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HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester

Utvikling av nye boligtilbud tilpasset ROP-beboere med lav boevne med vekt på brukermedvirkning

Alternative title: Development of social housing offerings adapted to residents with substance abuse and mental disorders with emphasis on user participation

Awarded: NOK 6.5 mill.

The project's main goal is to develop new housing offers better adapted to residents with serious substance abuse and mental disorders categorized in the red group in the municipal mapping tool Bruker Plan. By using action research as an approach, residents, municipal employees and user and relative organizations are involved in the research work. In 2021, the project has completed performance descriptions for three different small, detached home pilots. The descriptions are based on previous project work on housing needs, which has then been verified by an interdisciplinary group of employees in Karmøy and Stavanger municipalities, the Norwegian Stat Housing Bank and user- and relative organizations in Stavanger, Tromsø and Haugalandet. In Karmøy and Stavanger municipalities, group interviews have been conducted with middle managers within departments of substance abuse and mental health, technical, housing office and HSE. The dialogue has dealt with how architecture, technologies and fire safety solutions in the three proposed small, detached housing pilots are adapted to the needs of residents, employees and municipalities. The Norwegian State Housing Bank and the user and relatives' organizations point out that housing and housing services must be seen in context when new housing offers are developed, and that there is a need for a more differentiated municipal housing offer. It is emphasized that detached houses should be offered to residents who want shielding from others and not to residents with severe ROP disorder in general. In all three housing pilots, fire safety, robustness, security, indoor environment, personal choices and neighborhood acceptance are identified as areas in need of adaptation to strengthen residents' living quality, working conditions and reduce municipal operating and maintenance costs. This is to be achieved by adjustments in architecture, materials, furnishings, and housing technical solutions, which also consider the residents' gender, behavior and interests. User participation is central to the research project. User participation with residents requires direct dialogue and was started in the autumn of 2021. Due to the pandemic, in early 2022, residents and user and relative organizations will be invited to dialogue with the municipalities' design team for further participation in the development work. The project has started data collection on municipalities housing services. Municipal housing follow-up services is crucial for the quality of living for many residents with severe substance abuse and mental disorders. The municipalities point to importance of providing flexible, individually adapted, long-term and ad hoc-based housing services. User participation is carried out at different levels. Limited financial resources and residents who do not want help are referred to as challenges related to user participation. Reference is made to the need for better coordination and cooperation between municipal, inter-municipal and state agencies and organizations that provide aid services to residents (housing services, ordering offices, fire services, NAV, specialist health services etc.). A better understanding of the residents' life situation and a better whole in the provision of aid services is important to avoid residents being sent around the system. Better collaboration with specialist health services on residents' course of treatment, with the fire service on risk assessments and follow-up, and NAV and others on development of adapted work, education, life skills and activity-based services are areas with potential for increased collaboration. The project has also started to investigate how well the Norwegian State Housing Bank's framework for financing of municipal housing toward the needs and life situation of residents with severe substance abuse and mental disorders. Through the grant «trial scheme» where housing design, services and user participation are basis for financing, the Norwegian State Housing Bank provide grants for development of new housing offers. Normalization, integration and freedom of choice are important principles. Further, the municipalities housing offer should avoid co-location of too many homes, support normalization and give residents the opportunity to influence where they want to live. To small houses should be avoided, there must be room for both aids and caregivers in the home, as the home is also a workplace. Furthermore, the importance of universal design, as residents often have poor physical health and / or disabilities, are also pointed to.

Målsettingen er å utvikle nye boligtilbud tilpasset beboere med rus og psykiske (ROP) lidelser som har vansker med å bo i ordinære boliger. Målet skal nås ved å utvikle modeller for brukermedvirkning tilpasset ROP-beboere, utvikle og teste tilpasninger i branntiltak, materialer og arkitekturkonsepter og sikre tiltenkt implementering av digitale trygghetsteknologier i boligene ved å bygge tre pilotboliger tilpasset ulike beboertypologier. Formålet er at boligtilbudene skal bidra til økt bokvalitet for beboer, bedre arbeidsmiljø for ansatte og økt effektivitet i kommunens drift og vedlikehold av boligene. Innovasjonsprosjektet er en videreføring av et forskningsprosjekt (2017-2019) på utvikling av bolig for ROP-beboere i Karmøy Kommune hvor det ble utviklet initielle boligkonsepter for beboere med lav boevne. I dette prosjektet skal det bygges boligpiloter basert på de tre boligkonseptene. Et gjennomgående prinsipp er at boligtilbud og bo-tjenester skal tilpasses beboer og ikke omvendt. En FoU-utfordringene er hvordan vi kan oppnå reell brukermedvirkning med ROP-beboere. Grunnet sykdom og påvirkning av rus kan det være utfordrende for beboerne å uttrykke hva de ønsker gjennom samtaler alene. Supplerende metoder skal utforskes. En annen FoU-utfordring er at det ikke er sikkert at bruken av teknologien blir som tiltenkt ved implementering. Det skal derfor utforskes hvordan teknologiene blir brukt og mottatt for å tilpasse og eventuelt skifte ut teknologien slik at den dekker behovene til beboere og ansatte. For å styrke anvendelse av prosjektresultatene vil det være viktig å sikre en bred formidling og skape interesse for skalering av boligtilbudet ved at innovasjonsprosjektets ulike komponenter blir presentert og plassert inn i en helhetlig booppfølgingstjeneste for ROP-beboere. Metoder for effektmåling av boligtilbudet skal skisseres og boligkonseptets implikasjoner for Husbankens regelverk og finansieringsordninger for kommunale boligtilbud vurderes.

Funding scheme:

HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester