In this project I aim to investigate consequences of autopolyploidy on phenotypic variation, with focus on reproductive strategy and reproductive output. I will use the circumpolar, arctic-alpine species Saxifraga oppositifolia (Saxifragaceae), as study system, where two main ploidy levels are known, diploids and tetraploids. Saxifraga oppositifolia thrives in a wide range of habitats; from early snow free, extremely dry ridges with long growing season, to moist snow beds with short growing season. It also shows different growth forms, which are partly connected to ploidy levels and habitat. Differences in flower production and vegetative growth differ clearly between habitats and growth forms, but how reproduction is varying between ploidy levels is not known. I will use five establish transects covering three different habitats where S. oppositifolia is growing. I will collect data related to both sexual and vegetative reproduction within different ploidy levels and habitats to address the following main question:
Have autopolyploidisation created a shift in reproductive parameters?