The DIGIRAS project's major aim was to generate new knowledge and improve the sustainability and efficiency of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) through the study and monitoring of microbiome dynamics, fish health, water quality, fish behavior surveillance, advanced water treatment and development of novel sensors. This work was conducted by sampling and monitoring at 4 commercial RAS facilities producing 5 different fish species (Seabream, seabass, seriola, charr and salmon) over periods of 6-9 months. The project was structured in seven scientific work packages and executed by a trans-European consortium from 5 countries.
In WP1, microbiota monitoring was conducted to study the dynamics of microbiomes in RAS water, biofilm, and fish mucosal barriers. More than 1000 samples were taken, subjected to DNA extraction and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing according to standard operation procedures to ensure direct comparability of results. Both Illumina short reads and Oxford Nanopore long reads sequencing was employed. Comprehensive datasets for bacterial profiles and dynamics in production environments and corresponding fish have been established and provide a unique database for environment-host interaction analyses in the studied commercial RAS. Moreover, the potential of AI-supported sequencing data analysis for decision making and early warning tools was demonstrated in a H2S exposure experiment with salmon smolt.
WP2 focused on biological water quality sensing, including metagenomic sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. Metagenomic sequencing libraries were prepared and sequenced, and a metagenomic database management system was established. The metagenomic database was analyzed for predictive/pathogenic species, and PCR arrays for specific pathogen analyses were designed. In total 16 novel digital PCR assays for absolute quantification of problematic and pathogenic bacteria and virus in aquaculture have been established and are currently used for the development of an "aqua-microarray" prototype at partner UBI.
In WP3, chemical water quality analysis was conducted using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and portable platforms. High sensitivity analysis of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and analysis of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) were performed. A prototype H2S sensor was developed. The novel H2S sensor technology is currently patented by partner INL.
WP4 focused on fish behavior surveillance, with algorithms developed for tracking fish swimming patterns and velocity using stereo vision and surveillance cameras. Fish behavior was monitored in response to H2S exposure, and the results showed changes in swimming speed, pattern, and synchronization. The technology is currently further improved for real-time video data analysis in a BlueBio spin-off project.
WP5 involved histopathological investigations in fish and surveillance of protozoan pathogens. A large number of histopathological analyses of fish tissues from seriola, seabream and seabass have been conducted and are currently integrated with water quality data and quantities of selected pathogens to identify correlations. In addition, protozoan pathogen surveillance using NGS technology has been conducted for seabream and seabass.
In WP6, advanced water treatment methods were studied, including the utilization of advanced oxidation processes, covalent organic frameworks (COF), and microalgae for treatment. The potential of COF-technology for efficient removal of off-flavour compounds has been successfully demonstrated but requires further improvement. Different microalgae species have been tested for removal of N-compounds from RAS water. Beside N-removal, biomass formation and fatty acid content was analyzed.
WP7 focused on data integration and validation, including the association between microbiome and fish health, the quality of new diagnostic tests, and the implementation of innovation. Collaborations between partners in different work packages were established to analyze and integrate data. A first scientific paper on impact of H2S on fish behaviour has been published and two additional manuscripts are under preparation. Akva group is currently evaluating video data from the H2S exposure experiment for potential implementation in the Akva observe platform.
Overall, the DIGIRAS project has made significant progress in studying and improving RAS technology, with the potential to impact the aquaculture industry and contribute to sustainable production and fish welfare.
A major impact of DIGIRAS is to contribute to improve RAS technology towards sustainable production and improve fish welfare by parameterization of processes and digitalization. So far, significant knowledge and microbiological and chemical water quality and production data have been acquired in commercial RAS for production of 5 fish species. In addition, experimental data on fish behaviour and microbiota deviations in response to H2S exposure has been acquired and demonstrated to be useful for developing automated early warning tools. The potential for implementation is currently evaluated by AKVA group. Moreover, innovative water treatment technologies have been studied and new sensors and methods for water quality and fish behaviour surveillance have been developed. This has resulted in a patent application for a new H2S sensor and will lead to additional scientific publications.
Results and information has been disseminated to different stakeholders, such as industry, scientific community and society by scientific publications, popular science media, workshop and conference presentations.However, the magnitude of expected impact will also be depending on future use and implementation of DIGIRAS data and innovations accomplished in the project.
The collaboration of DIGIRAS partners has already fostered other joint project applications (OPTIRAS, EEA-project Portugal-Norway, granted; LEAPS, Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, rejected). In addition, partners have taken initiative for further collaborations (e.g. UBI and Infinite Sea on genetic mapping and RNAseq of broodstock, preparing a joint review article). DIGIRAS partners are actively using the DIGIRAS network to establish new contacts, exchange information and initiate visits. The project has also gained external attention from companies and R&D institutions seeking for collaboration. A recent example is a workshop requested by the German company KAESER, planned for 25. Januar 2024.
Exploitable results/IPR: DIGIRAS is emphasizing principally open access/open-source approaches where it is feasible. However, WP4 leader (SO) has received funding in the BlueBio 3rd additional call - "Amplifying project reach and knowledge impact", addressing "Barriers to commercialisation pathway", for additional work facilitating commercialisation of a real-time fish behaviour monitoring and early warning system. Moreover, a novel H2S sensor system prototype has been developed in WP3 and an international patent is currently prepared by partner INL.
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RASs) have been developed for land-based production of sea- and freshwater species. These systems are designed to provide high biomass production while reducing resource usage and maximizing control of operational parameters. However, only a few of these parameters are systematically monitored, and currently applied analysis techniques are often insufficiently sensitive, slow or laborious. Consequently, the full potential of RASs for more sustainable food production remains unexploited. The over-all goal of the DIGIRAS project is to develop innovative and data-driven solutions for digitalization of future RAS technology in order to increase environmental compatibility, fish health and productivity. The project intends to reach this goal by systematic acquisition of relevant water quality data, parameterization of fish behaviour, developing new biological and chemical sensors and efficient water treatment technology. DIGIRAS will strive to integrate all generated data towards decision support and predictive tools for next generation digital RAS operation. In DIGIRAS, R&D institutions with strong competence in (micro)biology and chemistry, fish health, video monitoring/machine learning, modelling and water treatment technology will join forces with industrial partners from the fish farming and RAS technology sector. Together, this consortium will contribute to improve land-based fish farming technology significanlty, with respect to animal health, production conditions, environmental benefits and sustainability. Moreover, DIGIRAS aims at contributing to more sustainable growth in the aquaculture sector by developing new technologies, and thus, generating new jobs in infrastructurally less developed areas in Europe.
In DIGIRAS, 6 R&D institutions and 5 industry partners (1 external contributor) from 5 participating European countries will collaborate for 36 months with a total funding budget of 1.68 Mio € (project budget 1.94 Mio €).