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MILUTARENA-Formidlings- og koordineringstiltak knyttet for miljø- og utviklingsforskning

Enhancing the contributions of the social sciences and humanities to IPBES – Establishing the IPBES SSH Community of Practice

Awarded: NOK 0.96 mill.

The goal of the project was to establish a network that could contribute to enhancing the contributions of the social sciences and humanities to IPBES. This hass also been a goal for IPBES, and was highlighted in the external review of the first work program. The Social Sciences and Humanities Network related to IPBES (SSH Network) is now well established. The work of the network includes efforts to raise more engagement from SSH experts in IPBES, as well as efforts to facilitate improved integration of SSH contributions in IPBES work and outputs. Most of the activities of the network can be accessed on the web page of the network ( The activities of the network include organization of workshops and a webinar series, presentations on IPBES plenaries and other fora, reporting to IPBES, scientific papers, as well as informing members of IPBES-related arrangements and other opportunities.

The Social Sciences and Humanities Network related to IPBES (SSH Network) er nå godt etablert. Et liknende nettverk relatert til IPBES har ikke eksistert tidligere. Nettverket har gjennom workshops, presentasjoner og sin webinarserie bidratt til å skape mer engasjement og refleksjon rundt betydningen av bidrag fra samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora for IPBES sitt arbeid og utredninger. Vi har også hatt god kontakt med sekretariatet i IPBES gjennom perioden om dette temaet. Nettverkets arbeid i perioden vil potensielt kunne bidra til forbedrede bidrag fra samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora i IPBES sitt arbeid. Dette igjen kan bidra til endringer i hvordan ulike aktører jobber med bevaring av naturmangfold, sosio-økologiske systemer og bærekraftig utvikling på ulike nivå. Det er vanskelig å måle slike virkninger og effekter konkret. Nettverket vil fortsette med arbeidet utover tidsperioden til dette prosjektet.

The IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) and Bureau, at their meeting in January 2020, endorsed the concept of an IPBES Social Sciences and Humanities Community of Practice. The purpose of the Community of Practice is to enhance the contributions of the social sciences and humanities to IPBES. It was decided to establish a pilot for such a community for the period January 2020 - December 2022, with the intention of prolonging it as a permanent community after the pilot period. The Community of Practice will be supported by the IPBES Task Force on Capacity-Building in the pilot period. The decision was based on a suggestion submitted by Marie Stenseke (co-chair, MEP), Marla R. Emery (co-chair, Sustainable Use Assessment) and Håkon B. Stokland (fellow, Sustainable Use Assessment). If the funds applied for here are granted, Stokland will take on the role as main coordinator of the IPBES SSH Community of Practice – a network of national and international interest, and directly related to the area of responsibility of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Publications from Cristin

Funding scheme:

MILUTARENA-Formidlings- og koordineringstiltak knyttet for miljø- og utviklingsforskning