It will be written during the first phase of the project.
The group in innovation studies at the TIK Centre (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo) is one of the two research groups at TIK, and it has been active since 1999. It investigates economic and societal aspects of technological innovation; how this emerges, diffuses and affects economic and societal characteristics. The group is a main hub for innovation studies in Norway, and it has a strong international scientific standing and societal impact. The present project will foster the international mobility of the group’ staff, and particularly so for the group’ senior researchers. Through a variety of network-building and activities to support international mobility, the project will in the coming years contribute to develop a new research direction to study innovation, welfare and policy. This new direction intends to investigate the (often-neglected) dark sides of innovation, and develop theoretical and empirical tools to analyze positive and negative impacts of innovation in a broad interdisciplinary framework. The present project will establish the foundations to develop this new research direction, and hence foster a scientific renewal and extension of the group’s thematic profile and competencies, and to strengthen further its scientific standing and international reputation.