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MP: WC hoop

Alternative title: WC bøyle som støttehjelpemiddel for hemiplegikere med halvsidig lammelse

Awarded: NOK 0.50 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2020 - 2021

Funding received from:



Subject Fields:

"Now I can manage on my own on the toilet" "The WC hoop allows me to take off and on the clothes myself and not have to wait until help arrives". The toilet aid WC hoop will be developed to help people with balance problems to achieve independence in the toilet situation. A life of harm must be lived. Experience from the field of rehabilitation is that people with balance problems will experience that the WC situation becomes a topic in everyday life. Visiting the toilet when you need it without waiting for help from others, is important. The municipal health service usually come at scheduled. The WC hoop provides support around the body and thus security and the opportunity to take the clothes off and on. The design of the hoop makes it easy to understand and to handle; by pulling down the hoop, leaning the body against it, the unaffected arm and hand can be released to independently off, dry and dress. The WC hoop has, space-saving design and maintains hygienic principles. Without any support against floor means nothing to stumble into. Preventing falls and providing security is important when you live at home after an acquired injury and can prevent hospitalizations. Societal savings may be that fewer people need regular home visits. The greatest savings, can be on the individual who does not have to have unknown people to help him in the most intimate situations. There are currently no technical aids that provide the same security as the WC hoop. The toilet hanger will be useful at home privately, in public buildings and where access to a toilet is required. At Sunnaas hospital, we have clinically tested, adjusted and verified modifications to a prototype of the WC hoop

A tool such as the WC hoop has the potential to increase the independence, integrity and dignity of the patients and reduce the burden on health providers and relatives. With this project, we have been able to develop a prototype of the product and test the concept at Sunnaas Hospital. The results from the project was highly positive regarding the utility and need for the product, and the potential for health economic benefits. We have been able to move the project from the idea to the concept phase.

Funding scheme: