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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

New Method for Recovering Oil and Carbon Black from Waste Tyres

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Number:


Project Period:

2020 - 2020

Funding received from:


The objective of the P2rCB project is to develop a new procedure encompassing milling and washing processes for upgrading char from waste tyres, pilot and commercialise a new, scalable technology to produce valuable recycled products such as Tyrederived oil (TDO) and recovered carbon black (rCB). Companies using rubber as raw material is the biggest application for carbon clack. It is used as a reinforcing filler, to provide high resistance to abrasion and UV-stability. The first customers target will be new tyre manufacturers. P2rCB is expected to bring economic, social and environmental impacts, as the innovative process offers an opportunity to close the loop on automobile waste tyres, as they can be efficiently degraded and then reused to make other useful materials. As a result, through successful implementation of this project we will provide a new strategy to re-purpose the valuable materials in used tires while simultaneously address a perplexing environmental problem and contributing towards achieving UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to the European Green Deal, aiming at making of Europe the first climate-neutral continent, purposing, among others, innovative and turnkey char recycling solutions. The project activities are focused on final prototyping, piloting and validation as well as commercialisation readiness. They are well defined and formulated in a logical and sequential order for implementation in our work plan. To arrive at a successful market launch, the following set of technical and market-oriented innovation activities will be carried out: WP1: Initial Assessment; WP2-3: Sulphur Removal and Decomposition hydrocarbons; WP4: Char Upgrade; P2rCB commercialisation measures (WP5-6).

Funding scheme:

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020