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MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling

Twin Fjord - A participatory planning support system for sustainable area management using digital twin technology

Alternative title: Twin Fjord

Awarded: NOK 15.4 mill.

The Twin Fjord project will develop a participatory planning support system (PPSS) to facilitate sustainable land-use planning in land under pressure, using Fjord and Stranda municipality as case area. This system will combine an ecological evaluation model for the study areas based on Green Infrastructures and additional spatiotemporal appraisal methods along with multi-criteria optimization methods to provide sustainability decision support in land-use planning. Models and datasets will be integrated in an interactive "digital twin" of the case area to allow end-users to visualize and assess the impact of land-use changes using scenario analysis, storytelling and game experiments. A protocol for the use processes and workflow of the system in the light of democratic and co-creation principles will be developed to underpin the transferability of the knowledge and tool developed to other areas of Norway and worldwide. Project partners and other area planning stakeholders will be actively involved in defining, developing and testing the PPSS through three workshop series. These co-creative research workshop series will be arranged to support the problem structuring, synthesis of the PPSS and problem-solving phases of the project. In 2021, the project will focus on problem structuring to further specify and synthesize an integrated participatory planning support system. This far, a digital twin of the case area is established and new models for green infrastructure as well as other sustainability aspects are under development. The partner municipalities have now gained access to their separate twin tool and are currently working to develop a use case for the tool to apply it in their ongoing planning process. The use case will address a selected planning problem in the respective municipalities where the tool is applied to explore and communicate potential solutions.


The Twin Fjord project will develop a participatory planning support system (PPSS) to facilitate sustainable land-use planning in land under pressure. This system will combine an ecological evaluation model for the study areas based on Green Infrastructures and additional spatiotemporal appraisal methods along with multi-criteria optimization methods to provide sustainability decision support in land-use planning. Models and datasets will be integrated in an interactive "digital twin" of the case area covering land managed by Stranda and Fjord municipality to allow end-users to visualize and assess the impact of land-use changes using scenario analysis, storytelling and game experiments. A protocol for the use of the system in the light of democratic and co-creation principles will be developed to underpin the transferability of the knowledge and tool developed to other areas of Norway and worldwide. Project partners and other area planning stakeholders will be actively involved in defining, developing and testing the PPSS through three workshop series. These co-creative research workshop series will be arranged to support the problem structuring, synthesis of the PPSS and problem solving phases of the project.

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MILJØFORSK-Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling