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FORINFRA-Nasj.sats. forskn.infrastrukt

Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure in Norway - ESFRI Support Activity

Awarded: NOK 0.25 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2020 - 2022


This project has been used to support the processes of implementing ACTRIS as an ERIC. Over the project period the main activity has been preparations and participation in Interim ACTRIS Council (IAC) meetings, and other efforts related to discussion of the governance towards ACTRIS becoming an ESFRI. There has been a series of ca 10 IAC meetings since the project started. Preparations are done together the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Research Council of Norway. Sandrine Bernard, Norwegian Environment Agency, has acted as the Norwegian delegate until autumn 2022. 1st August ACTRIS-Norway, a new large e-infrastructure project funded by Research Council of Norway, started. As consequence of this Herman Farbrot, from Research Council of Norway, took over as Norwegian delegate. In all IAC meetings, NILU (Kjetil Tørseth and/or Cathrine Lund Myhre) has participated together with the Norwegian delegate as expert advisors. Also in the contact with Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment Norway. Over the project period the focus has been on statutes and preparing for ERIC step 2 application sent by Finland. Finland submitted the formal request of setting up ACTRIS ERIC on 30th September 2021, including the commitment from the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment Norway. The EC consultation of ACTRIS-ERIC step 2 application was completed in November 2022 and informed by EC to ACTRIS in mid-December. Only minor changes in the statutes were proposed. All IAC countries have now acknowledged and approved the changes and status. the approvals will be sent to EC for finalizing the ACTRIS ERIC establishment process. Foreseen time for the official establishment is March 2023, latest April 2023. Furthermore, NILU (Cathrine Lund Myhre) has assisted in the preparations and participated in the ACTRIS hearing for ESFRI landmark status. This was successful, and ACTRIS has an ESFRI landmark status since December 2021.

The project has contributed to maintaining the position of Norway and NILU within ACTRIS, leading ACTRIS Data Centre and strengthening this. Additionally, the project has also contributed towards the national stakeholders and informing strengthening the relevance of ACTRIS for Norwegian stakeholders and scientific community.

ACTRIS - Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure - is an environmental research infrastructure focusing on high quality observations of short-lived atmospheric components for research on air quality, climate and atmospheric hazards. Detecting changes and trends in atmospheric composition and understanding their impact on the stratosphere and upper troposphere is necessary for establishing the scientific links and feedbacks between climate change and atmospheric composition. ACTRIS is the pan-European RI that consolidates activities amongst European partners for observations of aerosol, clouds and trace gases and for understanding of the related atmospheric processes, to provide services to wide user groups. ACTRIS entered the ESFRI roadmap in 2016. The ACTRIS preparatory phase project (ACTRIS-PPP) was from 2017 ato end 2019. NILU was a partner in the project, leading the work with shaping, implementing and operating of the ACTRIS Data Centre. This project, ACTRIS-ESFRI-sup, is set up to support work related coordination and the implementation activities of ACTRIS as ESFRI in Norway from October 2020 to September 2022. The main task is to ensure continued participation in planning activities at the European level, and the work within the project is particularly related to: - Support the Norwegian delegate and stakeholders in the preparation of Interim ACTRIS council (IAC) meetings - Participate in IAC meetings together with the Norwegian delegate acting as expert adviser. - Make sure to follow processes, participate in meetings and relevant committees within ACTRIS and represent and express the Norwegian needs and priorities in the planning and implementation of ACTRIS - Interact on cost estimates, cost validations and financing with Norwegian delegate and stakeholders to work on long term sustainable Norwegian funding for operational activities of ACTRIS Data Centre and also on observations at Norwegian National Facilities

Funding scheme:

FORINFRA-Nasj.sats. forskn.infrastrukt

Funding Sources