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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Multiple Camera Sensor System

Alternative title: Flerkamera sensor system

Awarded: NOK 16.0 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2021 - 2023

Funding received from:



The MultiView project has delivered a core technology comprising sensor systems and networks applicable in several industries. In cooperation with Simula Research Laboratory, Muybridge have performed research on imaging technologies, high-speed data transport and data processing to develop solutions applicable in demanding industries, where visual information and reliant real-time image processing is crucial. The project has been performing research in the three following areas: I: Algorithms applied to imaging data in order to transform, combine and process sensor measurements of an arbitrary environment into valid and valuable data for both humans, preceding processes and autonomous systems. II: Optimization of hardware architectures for real-time sensor systems in order to deliver reliable synchronized image data at several gigabit rates at an optimized hardware cost, small form-factor and with a heavily reduced environmental footprint compared to existing sensor systems. III: Optimization of processing architectures to deliver processed image data in real-time to preceding processes, systems and users in order to maintain data validity and integrity.

The MultiView project has lead to the development of new sensor infrastructures and networks, including technological breakthroughs within real-time computational photography. The technology is positioned at the intersection of several strategic domains, that are acknowledged as critical technology areas and policy priorities for European innovation. First and foremost, its state-of-the-art platform allows building and implementing cutting edge imaging technologies and computer vision applications at scale. Having a real-time, high-resolution imaging and sensor fusion backbone will be a key enabler in unlocking new horizons in Europe’s digital transformation, impacting a multitude of areas from fostering tight-knit collaboration for hybrid work, to enabling remote, low-touch production for broadcasters, to computer vision and IoT applications driving innovation in various industries. Muybridge has so far been able to capture several technological breakthroughs and consequently a strong path to platformization. The key enablers for these advancements are directly overlapping with Europe's strategic ambitions e.g., highlighted in critical technology areas by the European Commission's recommendation for the EU's economic security. They will continue to be strategic areas for Muybridge post the MultiView project with significant dissemination and community ambitions, emphasizing artificial intelligence, high performance computing, edge computing, computer vision, advanced connectivity, IoT and sensor-fusion applications. Future products built on the research results from the MultiView project will significantly contribute to several of the UN's SDGs, especially within (4) quality education for everyone; (9) new sustainable infrastructures for the industry fostering innovation; and (12) more responsible consumption and production through monitoring and sensor-fusion systems.

The MultiView project will deliver a core technology, innovating sensor systems across several industries. In cooperation with Simula Research Laboratory, Muybridge will perform research on imaging technologies, high-speed data transport and data processing to develop solutions applicable in demanding industries, where visual information and reliant real-time image processing is crucial. The project will be performing research in the three following areas: I: Algorithms applied to imaging data in order to transform, combine and process sensor measurements of an arbitrary environment into valid and valuable data for both humans, preceding processes and autonomous systems. II: Optimization of hardware architectures for real-time sensor systems in order to deliver reliable synchronized image data at several gigabit rates at an optimized hardware cost, small form-factor and with a heavily reduced environmental footprint compared to existing sensor systems. III: Optimization of processing architectures to deliver processed image data in real-time to preceding processes, systems and users in order to maintain data validity and integrity.

Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena