A large amount of fertile topsoil is wasted due to the development of infrastructure. Though the disposed topsoil has the potential to be used for the cultivation of crops, it is not allowed to be mixed with the agricultural soil due to the potential risk of spreading pests such as weeds and plant pathogens and nematodes. Plant wastes, for example, vegetable wastes from packaging industries and processing factories are other resources that can be converted into compost and used for the cultivation of crops but also have the risk of spreading pests.
ResourceReturn is a four-year project owned by Soil Steam International AS. The Project partners are NIBIO, Toten Løkpakkeri AS, Larvik Løk AS, Lindum AS, NMBU, Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Service, and the Norwegian Roads Administration. The main goal of the project is to test a new steam technology potential to disinfest these soil masses and plant wastes. In the project, we will determine the optimal combination of steam temperature and time that can kill the potential pests with the lowest possible energy consumption.
The steam technology will disinfest soil and plant wastes and convert wasted valuable resources to reusable crop cultivation resources. The equipment can be transported where it is needed and can reduce costs associated with the transportation of huge amount of soil and plant wastes.
Main activity H1 «To investigate the efficiency of soil disinfestation using steam against selected invasive species» ? In 2021, we carried out two experiments including different steam temperatures and exposure durations (dose) using the SoilSteam International AS stationary soil steaming experimental device. Two steaming methods have been tested: 1) direct steaming of propagative material of pest species incorporated in soil masses 2) exposure of propagative material of pest species to heat provided by steaming of soil masses. Target temperatures from 60 to 99°C and exposure durations from 3 min to 24 h have been tested for each method. Soil temperature was monitored during the experiments using sensors connected to a data logger. Treated propagative material of pest species were transferred to the greenhouse (plant material) or laboratories (fungi and nematodes) for further survival assessments. Experiments were repeated in time. Preparations for next year?s experiments have started.
In Activity H1.1 "Optimal steam doses for selected plant species" (H1.1.1 plant species with seed propagation and H1.1.2 plant species with vegetative reproductive organs). The methods explained in H1 have been tested for ten populations of plant species with different types of propagules. The efficiency of the methods is under evaluation by assessing the seed germination and rhizome sprouting in the greenhouse.
In Activity H1.2 "Effect of steaming on sclerotia of Sclerotinia spp." Sclerotia from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and S. subarctica that cause the lettuce drop on lettuce and Stromatinia cepivora that cause the white rot on onions were treated by different temperatures and duration to determine the optimal steam dose. The steaming methods (explained in H1) were tested. The effect of the treatments on the survival of the pathogens that is determined by the formation of mycelium and sclerotia are in progress.
In Activity H1.3 "Effect of steaming on survival of plant parasitic nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and Meloidogyne hapla)". we have completed mass propagation of a selected population of G. rostochiensis (Potato cyst nematode (PCN)). This population was used in the steaming trials to investigate the survival of PCN cysts under different temperature regimes (method described in H1). Bioassays are underway to determine survival of the exposed eggs (within the cysts) and their infection potential on potato.
In Main activities H2 and H3 starting in 2022, we will investigate the effects of plant waste steaming before composting on white-rot fungus (H2) and describe the effect of steaming on soil and compost quality (H3).
In Main activity H4 "Design of methodology for stationary soil steaming equipment" we have started analyzing the market that will provide information for which combination of soil type, soil moisture and other operational factors are essential for treatments of soil masses and plant wastes against invasive species. After discussions with leading actors in the market, we have gained increased insight into what production capacity they need in a soil steaming machine. This helps to form guidelines for the design of a methodology for steaming and assessment of the production potential. The need for which soil volumes that the actors in the market want to treat varies, and it becomes important to find the right size of machine that meets the interest in the industry.
Bærekraftig bruk og vern av naturressurser er et viktig prinsipp i den sirkulære bioøkonomien. Flytting av jord fra utbyggings- og samferdselsprosjekter til nye areal og utnyttelse av planteavfall til gjødsel eller jordforbedring kan bidra til at ressurser gjenbrukes godt. Ved utbygging av veier, jernbane og eiendom går i dag mye dyrkbar jord tapt fordi jorda ofte inneholder uønskede organismer som det er forbudt å spre. Eksempler på uønskede organismer eller "biologisk forurensing" er åkerugress slik som floghavre, fremmede plantearter som kjempespringfrø, sykdomsfremkallende sopp som løkhvitråte, og planteparasittære nematoder som potetcystenematode og rotgallnematode. Planteavfall fra produksjon og import av grønnsaker er også uutnyttede ressurser på grunn av risiko for innhold og spredning av farlige planteskadegjørere.
I prosjektet "RessursRetur" testes ny innovativ norsk teknologi hvor vanndamp under vakuum brukes for å sanere jordmasser og planteavfall med biologisk forurensing. Det 4-årige IPN-prosjektet skal finne og dokumentere optimale kombinasjoner av temperatur og varighet av varmebehandlingen som sikrer at uønskede organismer blir uskadeliggjort med minst mulig energiforbruk. Det nye produktet ("stasjonært dampanlegg") vil gjøre det mulig å fjerne biologisk forurensing fra jordmasser og planteavfall rett på anleggsplassen, gården eller pakkeriet. Produktet vil åpne for at store mengder jordmasser og planteavfall infisert med uønskede organismer blir til verdifulle produkter som trygt kan brukes til matproduksjon og landskapsformål.
Soil Steam International AS eier og koordinerer prosjekt "RessursRetur". Samarbeidspartnere i prosjektet er Toten Løkpakkeri AS, Larvik Løk AS, Lindum AS, NIBIO Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse, NIBIO Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser, NMBU Institutt for plantevitenskap, Norsk Landbruksrådgiving og Statens vegvesen.