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Expanding the impact of CoMorMent in Norway

Awarded: NOK 1.0 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2021 - 2023

Funding received from:


Mental disorders cause a lot of suffering and reduced quality of life. In addition, they also make those who are affected more vulnerable to developing cardiovascular diseases. Such co-morbidity, having several diseases at the same time, is difficult for the patients and their families. It is also a major challenge and financial burden for society. But what is the reason for this? Why do these patients have both at once? The researchers will find out what are the underlying mechanisms for this co-morbidity, and find out what are genetic factors, environmental factors and the relationship these have with lifestyle. Heredity (genetics) plays a decisive role in both disease and behaviour. The aim is to find and identify risks for both mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases. We will then study how these possibly play together with lifestyle and behaviour. Findings from the study will be disseminated to Norwegian clinicians and researchers. The project has contributed to spreading more knowledge about the issues in Norway, raising awareness among clinicians, as well as helping to initiate new projects to research how to prevent and treat co-morbidity in Norwegian hospitals.

Vi har inkludert nye fagmiljø som har økt engasjementet fra norske forskere kraftig, med bidrag til å formidle metodene og resultatene lokalt – dette er avgjørende for økt norsk utnyttelse av prosjektresultatene. Den ekstra nettverksaktiviteten har engasjert flere norske forskere på feltet, og flere unge forskere vil bli eksponert for europeiske ledende forskere gjennom interaksjon på workshopene som arrangeres. De ekstra deltakerne vil få opplæring i moderne metoder og vil ha tilgang til infrastrukturen inkludert bruk av biobanker og registerdata utviklet i CoMorMent. Dette vil øke kunnskapen i flere forskningsmiljøer i Norge. Effekter er knyttet til prosjektets translasjonspotensial, den internasjonale samarbeidet med ledende forskningsgrupper involvert, og spredning av topp moderne metodikk og nye resultater. Prosjektet har også bidratt til å etablere en ny bedrift i Norge, som bygger på prosjektets resultater.

The CoMorMent EU project builds on the novel concept that abnormal brain function results in both mental disorders and behaviour/personality that leads to unhealthy lifestyle with concomitant increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The main objective of the CoMorMent project is to find new paths for clinical management of mental disorders and CVD co-morbidities through identification and validation of biomarkers – both genetic and environmental. Building of infrastructure, data collation and harmonization and development of novel analysis methods are key parts. The CoMorMent project is coordinated by University of Oslo with a total budget of 6 mill euro (25 % to Univ Oslo). This FORSTERK project aims to extend the CoMorMent impact in Norway by facilitating method adaptation in additional research areas and increase dissemination. This will be done through 1) adding three additional Norwegian partners from other locations within Norway: Tromsø, Bergen and Trondheim 2) develop a 'Norwegian CoMorMent research network' of severe mental illness and comorbidities expanding current activity, 3) use the network to disseminate CoMorMent results to relevant stakeholders (clinicians, researchers, authorities, lay people) all over Norway including 4) facilitating exploitation of the database, infrastructure and methods developed by CoMorMent. The additional partners and increased network activity will provide added value by adapting the methods to new diseases (ADHD, anxiety, suicidality including their link to comorbid cardiovascular disease) and ethnic groups (the Samic) not usually included in EU projects and use their clinical and research networks to disseminate the CoMorMent methodology and results. The CoMorMent network will host seminars and workshops, and we will hire a part-time assistant to coordinate the dissemination activities and finance local activities. In this way, this project will significantly expand the impact of the CoMorMent project in Norway.

Funding scheme:


Funding Sources