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Blink i Norge

Awarded: NOK 0.55 mill.

"Blink i Norge" is about amplifying the effects of Lyse's participation in the Horizon 2020 project Triangulum and how these can have an increased effect in Norway. The goal is to introduce the innovative video platform Blink in a Norwegian context, at the same time as it builds on Lyse's experiences after piloting the solution in Triangulum. Blink was tested in other contexts than before, in this case for the municipality home and habilitation service. Employees in these services often experience time pressure and capacity challenges. The habilitation service spent a few weeks learning to use Blink. It turned out that further testing of the solution could fit well the demands of some of the clients. Based on this, a survey was sent out in order to map what kind of adjustments were required in order to strengthen the usesfullness of Blink for Strand municipality. Suggestions following the survey were based both on feedback from the municipality and suppositions from Lyse. To summarise: - The habilitation service received the Blink units in June 2021. - A new survey covering new improvements and new functionality was carried out as the habilitation service reached the same user level as the home based service. - The following additional functionality was considered useful for the habilitation service: multi-party participation, next of kin functionality and a "get in touch" button. - Further work on a next of kin functionality was preferred given the budgetary framework and the fact that this kind of functionality was sought by several relatives of the clients. - Configuration of tablets due to new API was carried out in December 2021. - The tablets were returned to the habilitation service in February 2022 and testing confirmed that the new functionalities worked as intended. - An evaluation meeting in April 2022 covered findings further touched upon later in this report. This includes communication about the results and activities within Strand municipality in addition to continuation of the solution. Lyse has conducted workshops together with municipality health personel in orde to better understand their day to day demands particularily when it comes to users. During the project, new adjustments have been made in order to meet suggestions from next of kin. Earlier reporting has covered home based services functionality. In this report, we will elaborate more on client demands and results of test activities with the habilitation service. Members of the service conclude that "we absolutely see the usefulness and value of the Blink solution". All in all, the municipality has made use of 6 tablets and approx. 20 users have taken part in the testing. Points that are underlined by care personel: - The solution is much better than just using a phone, as the care personel through using "Blinken" (as the solution is nicknamed), can help clients to start the day without having to visit them physically. - One gets a clearer impression of how the clients are doing - as everything from the way they are dressed to their mimicry conveys useful information. - It seems clear that the solution can be utilised in other sections of the care apparatus, such as in ambulatory teams in the mental health area. - The solution is said to be easy to use and proves efficient in reducing demand for driving time. - Using Blink is now a recurring point in the habilitation service's daily work plan. - One can use Blink in the office at the same time as administrative duties are fullfilled. Strand municipality plans to take part in a project involving children and young persons in habilitation with the intention of testing Blink in that age group. In Blink i Norge, the age range has been 20 to 40. The new project will involve 9 municipalities in Rogaland county. Hence, there is reason to hope that the solution will be put to use in other municipalities. The Blink solution will probably continue in another company, and Triangulum partner Omsyn has already been in touch with Strand in that respect. In that case, Blink will be a payed-for service with running and support included. Strand municipality has informed all employees in their care sector in addition to central staff and mayor about their Blink experiences financed be the Research Council of Norway. A video production was also included in the project proposal. This has not been possible to carry out due to strict privacy rules in the care sector.

I siste prosjektperiode er det oppnådd følgende resultater; - Tjenesten er blitt testet ut i flere ulike kontekster innen helse og omsorgstjenester i en kommune. - Vi har fått gjennomført flere tilpasninger i brukerbehov og administrasjon i forhold til opprinnelig tjeneste som ble brukt i Triangulum-prosjektet. - Tilpasninger og forbedringer har vært basert på tilbakemeldinger fra kommunen Når det gjelder de to langsiktige effektene skissert i søknaden: - Strand kommune akter å samarbeide med 8 andre kommuner i Rogaland i et prosjekt der Blink kan bli brukt innen habilitering for barn og unge. Generelt vil avlasting innen helse og omsorg være sentrale siktemål i videre arbeid med Blink.

Hovedformålet i H2020-prosjektet Triangulum var å prøve ut en innovativ form for videokommunikasjon som både kan gjøre hverdagen bedre for innbyggerne og forbedre omsorgsfunksjonen i byene. Etter en grunnleggende teknologisk forbedring av tjenesten under prosjektet, framgår resultatene først og fremst av replikeringen i følgebyene Sabadell og Praha i form av tjenlig brukeropplevelse for omsorgtjenestene og mottakerne av dem. Dette førte også til at Blink ble oppført på Horisont 2020s Innovation Radar etter prosjektslutt. For å utnytte erfaringene i et forsterkningsprosjekt som dette, har Lyse innledet samarbeid med Strand kommune i Rogaland, der vi tidligere har samarbeidet om blant annet Tingenes internett-løsninger. Tre hovedaktiviteter utgjør den røde tråden: Dialog med brukerkommunen, tilpasning av løsning og formidling. Bruk av videotjenester som er skreddersydd til en kommune sine behov kan bidra til at flere kan bo hjemme lenger og dermed gi betydelige kostnadsbesparelser. En slik tjeneste kan også redusere ensomhet - blant annet på grunn av COVID-19 - og øke graden av inkludering hvis man også tar inn pårørende som en del av tjenesten. Hvis den i tillegg kan tilpasses nye brukergrupper og behov, vil den samfunnsmessige verdien og relevansen øke ytterligere. Ettersom behovene i norske kommuner i stor grad er sammenfallende, kan en vellykket test sammen med Strand kommune gi betydelig effekt også i andre norske kommuner. Dette forutsetter dokumentasjon og kommunikasjon gjennom den ett år lange prosjektperioden som skaper involvering og økt oppmerksomhet om Blink. Innhold og formidlingsform må anlegges bredt nok til at målgruppene kan omfatte både helsepersonell, pårørende, omsorgsmottakere, beslutningstakere og formidlere av helsekunnskap.

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