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Adapting new concepts towards a multi-hazards platform for Oslo

Awarded: NOK 0.99 mill.

The primary objective of this project is to broaden the application spectrum of the results of the European H2020 TURNkey project coordinated by NORSAR between 2019 and 2022. New generation Decision Support Systems (DSS) were in particular developed in TURNkey to mitigate risks related to earthquakes. In this project we focus on adapting this state-of-the-art methodology to a multi-hazard context in Oslo which is exposed to natural hazards such as floods and quick clay landslides. With climate change, natural hazards are predicted to become more frequent and more intense. Mitigation actions need to be investigated to reduce the social and economic impact on communities and infrastructures. During the project, NORSAR and the Emergency Department of the Oslo municipality have analyzed how the DSS methodology developed in TURNkey can be applied to a relevant multi-hazard scenario in Oslo and how it can be integrated in the existing tools for emergency response for the city of Oslo.

NORSAR og Beredskapsetaten i Oslo kommune arrangerte en workshop om risikostyring av kombinerte naturfarer 13. september 2022 i Lillestrøm. Deltakerne var i hovedsak beredskapsansvarlige fra kommuner i Stor-Oslo, representanter fra Oslo politidistrikt og Oslo brann og redningsetat. Vi tok utgangspunkt i metodikken fra det EU-finansierte TURNkey prosjektet og vi demonstrerte hvordan metodikken kan benyttes nasjonalt vist gjennom et senario der det har gått et kvikkleireskred i bydel Alna i Oslo. Skadebegrensende tiltak ble undersøkt i prosessen og deltakerne fikk delta i vektlegging av de ulike kriteriene. Gjennom denne øvelsen viste vi at resultatene er sensitive for interessentenes innspill. NORSAR skal i samarbeid med Beredskapsetaten i Oslo kommune nå vurdere hvordan metodikken kan innpasses i eksisterende prosedyrer og verktøy for beredskap i Oslo. I tillegg skal NORSAR videreutvikle metodikken og scenarioet fra Alna i et nytt EU prosjekt, MEDiate, som NORSAR leder med mål å forbedre beslutningsgrunnlaget og systemene for å håndtere risiko ved kombinerte naturkatastrofer.

Norway is exposed to floods, wind, landslides and avalanches. With climate change, these natural hazards will become more frequent. The Project applying for supplementary funding will explore ways to implement the main product of the TURNkey Project, a multi-sensor-based earthquake information system, facilitating Earthquake Forecasting and enabling Early Warning and Rapid Response actions, in Norway and to other types of natural hazards. During the Project, NORSAR will collaborate closely with the Emergeny Department of the Oslo municipality to analyze how the Horizon 2020 project methodology can be extended and integrated in the existing policy tools for emergency response and city planning for Oslo.

Funding scheme:


Funding Sources