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Nye reguleringskonsepter i vannkraft

Alternative title: New governor concepts in hydro power

Awarded: NOK 0.88 mill.

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Project Period:

2021 - 2023

Funding received from:


The consumption of electrical power will increase, but also become more complex. Industry and consumers continues to find new ways of using electrical power. Development of new sources for production and storage of electrical power continues. Several of these sources, as solar and wind, are dependent on varying conditions as weather. Consumption and production of electrical power has to be in balance all the time. The amount of energy consumed must equal the energy produced every minute. This is complicated now, and will become even more complicated when both consumption and production becomes more complex and varying. Hydro power is one of the sources of electrical energy that is most easy to govern, og will therefore play a key role to balance consumption and production. With new and better governor concepts hydro power will be able to change its production faster, safer, and more accurate. Making balancing of consumption and production easier. This will enable industry and consumers to continue to find new ways of consuming electrical power in even more demanding ways. One possible concept is variable speed. Installing av frequency converter at a power plant enables it to use the kinetic energy stored in the generator and turbine to balance imbalances in consumption and production that are to quick for conventional governing. Another concept is governors controlling several turbines. This can enable more rapid govering without causing harmfull situations in the power plant.

Dagens regulatorer bruker PID-regulering. Regulatorene får setpunkt fra driftssentral som gir setpunkt til regulatorer på flere kraftverk. Disse setpunktene bestemmes av planlagt energiproduksjon og fordeles manuelt eller med enkel automatikk. Endringer i energisammensetningen på strømnettet og i energimarkedet gjør at nye reguleringskonsepter kan gi bedre stabilitet og raskere respons på strømnettet, samt økt utnyttingsgrad av dagens vannkraftverk. I prosjektet vil kandidaten lære seg moderne teknologier og metoder som kan brukes, vurdere deres egnetheten, implementere og teste de i simuleringer med hardware i bedriften, i laboratorieforsøk, og installert på kraftverk. Resultatene vil fortelle hvor stor effekt nye regulatorkonsepter vil ha på forskjellige vannkraftverk. Konseptene kan implementeres kraftverk for å gi kraftverket økt stabilitet, raskere og mer korrekt respons og utvidet utnyttingsgrad.

Funding scheme:
