MICROCOMB is an ITN focusing on applications and fundamentals of microresonator frequency combs.
KTH and my contribution to the ITN is: Microcomb generation with quadratic nonlinearities in high-confinement LiNbO3-on-insulator (LNOI) waveguides. I will investigate novel approaches to generate infrared frequency combs in integrated structures by means of engineered quadratic chi(2) nonlinearities (as opposed to conventional (chi(3))nonlinearities). The project aims at designing and implementing the first demonstration of integrated frequency comb generation based on chi(2) nonlinearities. The project therefor encompasses both theoretical and experimental components:
1) (Theory) Simulation of (optimization of coupling, Q-factors, dispersion engineering) integrated resonators and waveguides. Development of suitable models to study the nonlinear wave dynamics of LNOI resonator structures in chi(2) broadband downconversion regimes enabling frequency comb formation, frequency- and phase-locking, and soliton formation.
2) (Experimental) Fabrication of integrated structures on LNOI-platform and domain reversal (periodical poling) of LiNbO3. Combining LNOI chi(2) microcombs with on-chip electro-optic modulation.
3) (Experimental) Characterization of linear (loss, dispersion) and nonlinear (chi(2), chi(3), cascading, supercontinuum, soliton formation) behavior of LNOI integrated microcomb structures. Benchmarking our devices against chi(3) microcombs is also of interest.
Funding scheme:
MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater