The PhD candidate resumed research activities in January 2023 following maternity leave. During the first half of the year, laboratory experiments were concentrated on studying the enzymatic activity of various mesopelagic species collected from prior research cruises. Concurrently, the candidate worked on a manuscript focused on the characterization and composition of raw materials derived from these species.
In March 2023, the candidate gave an oral presentation regarding the distribution of mesopelagic species along the Norwegian coastline and their potential applications at the Norwegian Seafood Festival (Trondheim). In June 2023, the candidate joined a new research cruise, to collect additional samples and conduct onboard experiments involving handling, processing, and storage of the raw materials.
Dissemination activities during the second half of the year included an oral presentation at the Marine Protein Network Seminar during the AquaNor conference (Trondheim, August 2023), and participation in the WEFTA conference (Copenhagen, October 2023) as well as the European Congress on Marine Biotechnology (Malaga, November 2023).
The first PhD manuscript was submitted in February 2024 and published in April 2024. Throughout 2024, the candidate concentrated on processing the results and data gathered since August 2021, which will form the basis of the second PhD manuscript, focusing on the enzymatic activity of various mesopelagic species. In addition, the candidate supervised two master’s students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and will begin supervising a new master’s student from October 2024 to June 2025.
Dissemination activities planned for 2024 include oral presentations at the Marine Protein Network Seminar during the Nor-Fishing conference (Trondheim, August 2024), the WEFTA conference (Izmir, October 2024), and the EFFOST conference (Bruges, November 2024).