This PhD project lies within the interdisciplinary area of understanding how digitalization can enhance sustainability and efficiency in Norwegian infrastructure construction. The work provides insights into how digital transformation in the construction sector has advanced in Norway and how digitalization contributes to growth, greener practices, increased safety, better decision-making, and optimized resource use.
The main goal of this research is to develop a framework for improved digital transformation of the Norwegian infrastructure sector, with a focus on the interaction of people, processes, and technology.
While the initial scope was broad, it has been refined to prioritize key focus areas based on updated knowledge and close collaboration with industry stakeholders. This has allowed the research to focus on critical areas for effective digitalization in construction, particularly in integrating technology with human skills and organizational processes.
The scope is focused towards digitalization aspects of civil infrastructure in Norway. In large, complex infrastructure projects, effective coordination and information flow are critical to achieving project goals, environmental objectives, and societal demands. While the initial focus was on information flow in specific work processes, such as on-site concrete production, this has evolved to encompass a broader investigation into the successful adoption of digital decision support systems. This includes exploring the people and skills required to effectively utilize such systems in the construction industry.
Further, the breadth of this topic provides opportunities for the safe implementation of different types of studies and methods, which will equip the PhD candidate with a high level of research competence. The combination of various methods will be adapted to address the research questions effectively.
The development of an operational digital solution based on the framework is considered beyond the scope of this PhD, focusing instead on the research-oriented aspects of successful digital transformation in construction.