Hydrogen consumption for the transport sector has the potential to reduce national CO2 emissions by approximately 500,000 tonnes per year. In the maritime sector, hydrogen is seen as a necessary part of the solution to achieve the ambitions set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on zero emissions for transport with large energy needs and over long distances . Liquid hydrogen is especially suited for coastal traffic / near shore –and will be an important part of the decarbonisation of the maritime transportation sector.
The purpose of the project activity is to generate a main green platform project which shall provide the link to broad implementation of liquid hydrogen for maritime transport through establishing a full-scale hydrogen propulsion system test facility in the Sustainable Energy Catapult centre for system development and certification, and a comprehensive safety database for risk analysis and classification.
Development of a main application shall be performed in close collaboration with existing National and EU initiatives and stakeholders currently working on establishing and implementing liquid hydrogen value chains, ensuring that the effort will build on and collaborate with these initiatives. The pre-project shall further establish a close link to relevant classification societies and road and maritime transport authorities to ensure alignment with existing standards and policies in the main project.