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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

COFACTOR - Coincidence factors and peak load of building in the Norwegian low carbon society

Alternative title: COFACTOR - Samtidighet og topplast for bygg i det norske lavutslippssamfunnet

Awarded: NOK 13.7 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2021 - 2026

Funding received from:


Partner countries:

The COFACTOR project will provide knowledge to improve both grid planning and design of buildings. The research project “Coincidence factors and peak load of buildings in the Norwegian low-carbon society – COFACTOR” lasts from 2021 to 2026 and is funded by the ENERGIX programme at the Norwegian Research Council as well as industrial partners. In COFACTOR, building owners and utilities cooperate with SINTEF and NTNU to increase knowledge about energy use behind the meter in Norwegian buildings. The aim of the project is to provide new and updated coincidence factors and standard load profiles for different building categories, and to propose a method for estimating the peak load of buildings. Electrification is identified as key in the transition to a future low-carbon society. Currently, buildings in Norway account for 57% of the country’s electricity consumption, with most of this used for heating spaces and hot water, which peak during the coldest winter days. Therefore, buildings are largely responsible for the peak load in the grid on the coldest day. New consumption patterns are changing building electricity use, such as the charging of electric vehicles, smart water heaters, or local solar energy production. The main question is: how can we limit the increase in peak load while achieving greater electrification of society? More knowledge about energy use behind the meter is necessary to develop new technological solutions and smart energy management. COFACTOR gathers and analyses measurement data from a range of partners: both main electricity and district heating meters, as well as submeters that provide detailed data "behind the meter." Based on this, we will be able to identify when and why peak loads occur—and how we can use smart management and other measures to reduce them. Partners in the project: Fornybar Norge, Enova, Elvia, Nelfo, Statsbygg, and Tensio. Reference group: NEK, NOVAP, NVE, Standard Norge, and Multiconsult. Data providers: Akershus Energi Varme, Drammen Eiendom, Dråpe entreprenør, Entro, FutureHome, Glitre Nett, OSO Hotwater, SIKOM, Statnett, Thon Eiendom, housing cooperatives/condominiums, among others.

Large grid investments are planned in the years to come to avoid bottlenecks that are expected to occur only a few hours each year, and the end-users will pay the cost through their electricity bill. The main question is: how to limit the peak load's growth with increased electrification, and how can we predict the load of buildings to assure a secure, but sufficient grid? Due to the peak power challenges Norway is facing, Enova has proposed to include a peak power element in the energy label of buildings. Parallel to this, Standards Norway is currently establishing a new standard, NS3032, which will provide a methodology for calculating the peak load for buildings. COFACTOR will provide new knowledge on standard load profiles for typical Norwegian buildings and establish a methodology for calculating their peak load considering coincidence factors of different energy uses, and between buildings. The project will collect a unique data set of detailed energy measurements for approximately 300 buildings, that will be disaggregated using new methods for data driven disaggregation of loads.The methodologies to be developed are both statistical, as well as building simulation methods that will account for the impact of new technologies such as PV, EVs and different heat pumps. The combination of these methodologies has not been seen in previous research. Rather than using simulated data, the novelty of this work is the extensive use of measured data of buildings, to evaluate the impact of the new technologies as well as improved building envelopes on building's load profiles. The project is hosted by SINTEF Community and will last for 4 years, with the following project partners: SINTEF Energy, NTNU, Nelfo, Elvia, Statsbygg, Tensio, Enova and Energi Norge. The project will cooperate with FutureHome, Risvollan, OlavThon Gruppen, Akershus Energi Varme, Statnett, Erichsen&Horgen AS, Standard Norge, NEK, NOVAP, NVE, Malnes&Endresen, Fraunhofer ISE.

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Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi