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GRØNNPLATTFORM-Grønn plattform

Ocean Grid Research

Alternative title: Havnettutvikling KSP

Awarded: NOK 40.2 mill.

The overall objective for the Green Platform Project Ocean Grid is to develop new technology, knowledge and solutions to enable profitable development of offshore wind in Norway, both bottom-fixed and floating, new green jobs and increased export revenues and at the same time contribute to us achieving the climate goals. The objective of Ocean Grid Research project is to accelerate the development of offshore energy systems with new knowledge and tools for grid expansion optimisation, energy market design, prevention and mitigation of system interoperability issues and designing cost-effective subsea power cables. The project will support the activities in the Ocean Grid main project with openly available research. Equinor is the project owner of the main project and partners are Fred Olsen, Hafslund Eco, Aker Offshore Wind, Agder Energi, Deep Wind Offshore, DNV, ABB, Aibel, Aker Solutions, Benestad, Hitachi, Nexans, NTNU, UiO og SINTEF. The KSP project will contribute to the main project with open research related to the following areas: • Develope cost models for offshore HVDC investments to include costs of offshore energy hubs and electrical and hydrogen transmission infrastructure. • Develop a model to provide decision support for a stepwise offshore grid development including offshore energy hubs and hybrid AC/DC grids. • Quantify impacts of different market designs for offshore energy systems including a European context. • Framework models will be developed that allows interactions between electricity and hydrogen production and a quantitative study of the profitability of offshore wind farms under varying market designs. • Perform laboratory experiments as basis to increase the reliability and durability while reducing overall cost of environmentally friendly lead-free power cables rated up to 245 kV. • Educate four Ph.D./postdocs candidate in critical technical areas for the development of offshore grids in Norway

The Ocean Grid (Green platform main project) aims at developing cost-competitive energy technologies for the international market through research-based innovations in order to realign the Norwegian offshore industry from Oil & Gas-based activities towards offshore wind energy and hydrogen. The Ocean Grid Research (this competence project) will support the main project in four thematic areas where open research and a more academically-oriented approach is valuable: Grid expansion optimisation (WP1), Energy market design (WP2), System interoperability (WP3) and Wet design subsea power cables (WP4). The activities, which are split between the Ocean Grid and the Ocean Grid Research, follow a split-but-interlinked approach that enables the realisation of two conflicting goals: confidentiality needs of the industry partners and publishing open science. The strong link between the knowledge building project and the related industry subproject ensures relevance and effective knowledge transfer, while the separation preserves confidentiality where needed.

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GRØNNPLATTFORM-Grønn plattform

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